Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The O' Goodies

  1. Athenic: I was a Christian and now i am a Buddhist; how did i become a Muslim?
  2. Athenic : when the light of God darkens in you be prepared to pay your bill.
  3. Athenic I turned into reptilian two days ago i looked at myself and i started shape shifting and every time i got to woman i thought to myself wow i look good and then i changed back to myself and then started shedding. 
  4. Athenic: If would lose my soul but gain the world... Hmm! if that is so then Heaven on Earth is already mine? oh yeah i forgot about them Christians with their loop to loop hole doctrine. what else does one need; if they would only believe in God they will be saved for that day when God returns. now i just been told that the MEEK are inheriting my earth. 
  5. Athenic: there was a man who opened a book and then opened a reason to open the book. for the better of the two will become the same unto one if the other is done. 
  6. Athenic: if the world was round it must be flat by now with all this shaken going on. 
  7. Athenic: X says that is one Muslim planet. Planet X. 
  8. Athenic: when it's time and they are telling you to go underground. rip your garments and beat your chest hard and tell them your no wildflower but a thousand cranes of papers afloat. 
  9. Athenic: when you are in God's spirit your an extension of heaven without sin and when you are in God's house "SIN NO MORE!" (without sin) 
  10. Athenic: some already asked 'is Nibiru going to hit us?' i made a hesitant reply 'no! Nibiru is not going to hit us.' but we are going to hit Nibiru. it's a game we play every reunion. Athenic is hype: "we didn't land on nibiru. nibiru landing on us" and as i was about lift two fingers up in defeat i placed them deep into the nose Nibiru as put a spin on Her down the playing surface of it's plain of trajectory curving hard to the side and sweeping them everywhere and then i sat down in sight and lit a cigar. 
  11. Athenic flat earth is the girth of God’s belly and the waters were created in His navel. and then He sneezed as the earth went round and then back to it’s girth. flat earth. 
  12. Athenic: if you happen to be crossing down a stony path and you see a man without a face do you ask Him why? or do you just keep walking? life wants to live and death wants to be dead but the one who knows life is the living proof that we walk with God alone to never cross paths with Death. Athenic: so were you scared? Athenic: i thought that was Me that passed by. 
  13. Athenic: i am not putting heat down but who in the hell would make another sun. to me that would irresponsible to have energy like that and not use it for our own need. so my many may believe that a simulator was made when we do not even have enough money to pay hourly bill; a whole day would break this economy and ten others who thought this up. i believe its a black hole that our sun is entering and exiting as it bends light and stretches it out and then reshapes it back into big ass sexy model that is dressed up in the sun and walking fashion circle around us and at the end the day she takes it off. 
  14. Athenic: my daughter from the future(unknown) came down from heaven to talk to me. and God's voice was in her. and as she was leaving in an ADHD hurry.  i said this to my daughter. Lord! get back here now!
  15. Athenic: i am Catholic? Athenic: a born Catholic? Athenic: you didn't chose the religion.the religion chose you. Athenic: i think you were also born in captivity. Athenic: what about the dragon? Athenic: what about the dragon? Athenic: all of you are alike.
  16. Athenic: if desire keeps you from going into church then there is no hope for you going in to heaven. Athenic: am i a sinner if i only go to church because i like a girl.or because i'm looking for love? Athenic: no, you have every right to go to church. and why not, sinners do. 
  17. Athenic: the longest route to heaven is when the shoes you wear don't fit.
  18. Athenic: from under the table did the mediums arms reached for the payment due and as i was handing her the payment she extended even farther as to reach deeper into the soul and grab the only root of its measure that is placed into a dipping well of honey to preserve heaven and as she polished my wood with her hands faster and faster i became unstable and lost consciousnesses thrice times and every time i drifted back to consciousnesses there was a different woman for each multiple orgasm i had. i left as soon i noticed seance still sleeping. i could only pay her once.
  19. Athenic: the Straits of Gibraltar the image of a broken down God given incarnation.
  20. Athenic: what is penile. is that a conviction. Athenic: you mean prea? that is when you go to the showers to start dodging nuts.
  21. Athenic: said get up you irritated man. so the man tried to get up but kept falling back down. Athenic looked at Him and said to that man 'your never going to have faith in yourself.'
  22. the day is closing and i could hear my wife Carolyn talking to another man through the door and as i peeked; i seen my wifes big tits falling out her shirt blouse while another man’s head was laying between my wife’s beautiful pale white legs while eating deeply the fruit of my labors and as she pulled his head inward i could hear him wet lipping them perfect soft pink lips of hers with every inch of his tongue. while she was pulling the back of his head towards the garden; she would also push her hips up and then down into his face and scream out “Oh God” and as she started to shiver; that's when i started to sow the seeds sin as i continued to watch within.
  23. and came to our attention that no man could talk about another's penis and so Athenic said "no matter how big or small no penis should be talked about at all." and ladies council said "screw that!"

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