
Creatures of the Garden
there is a new order the first and second seeded into the third as to be the creatures of God's garden. as three settled guests eat from there of the grass and the pastures that rise. and feed upon every living beast in field that is given through the god's of Heaven for three of it's own kind that has devoured one as it is devoured inside one of the other. and who will be god's of the garden that were before and and after the beasts gathered to a field that brings forth the bread. from the fields that are beside tomorrows green pasture.

The King of Kings
God is now and future pastense. present with past and future knowledge. son or daughter of God.
Devil is future and pastense. present tense without knowledge. son or daughter of Men or Women.
Satan is past and future tense. present now with the past. son's or daughter's of God.
Demon or Daemon is the past future tense. present past-future. seeds of heaven.

Creatures of the Garden
  1. Silver Fish Inside Heaven; the Silver-Fish(heavenly being) under the third firmament's hue and ethereal plane that seeds 2000 new heavenly beings that swim under the third firmament and between; Heaven on Earth and the Heaven's above to be their dwelling places and first seeds of God's underworld finished. by hand or the heart will one be marked before the blessing enters into the garden and the fields the return openly and closed for another's return home. for all to know They who are in me is now in you who opens the gates of tomorrow to be built for one within the other. the Silver-Fish has wings of gold and the skirt of a cuddle fish that glides here to and fro another under a night sky in Heaven. 
  2. Cockathrice; the black Cockathrice has four thighs that stand between a 3rd hour that crowed upon mid-night and the third hour at hand given to one Savoir Jesus Christ who has now been sacrificed. the waters become clear as the third hour brought thunder and hail that darkened a third of heaven that was casted down and a great sign appeared from Heaven as three thousand freshwater fish appeared to the feast of trumpets that transformed into seven candles upon a platinum stand that was seen in the midst of seven Holy Mountains that were lit from center first to the last right left to be given to its own Bride and Groom in Heaven. (Mother Mary Magdalene and Jesus who is our Father in Heaven). and i saw a vision in the eastern clouds over His mountains a black Cockathrice with four legs and three bodies that separate when driven into perdition as to one egg throne over a Great Garden and a Great white Serpent with fiery red eyes received the landing of Her egg that was spewed upon three countries united to Jezebel and Afghanistan, One egg in Me, between two thoughts of Heaven, entering Jenavive. who Herolds to Jah and Jezebel to India. 
  3. The Gift of God; the gift of God is ESP; numerology, telepathy, divinity, congnivity, and about 14 more. but given via Christ; these gifts are less than the Father is but never the less it is given for us to understand and worship to what was given for His purpose. 
  4. The Creature; the creature is as true as Satan and a provider of apparitions; before and after he or she time jumps with the spirit of God. [he is who he is] and it’s one of the gift's given from God. 
  5. The Hyena; the hyena sleeps with laughter and honors the children playing. her spots are openings through laughter united many spotted creatures under the sun. that have no name in heaven on earth. 
  6. Cyclopes; there was three eagles that descended from Heaven; the first is the sight of an eagle; far and wide becomes one eye. and the first; became the second; knowing of the first eye that was blinded, but sees with a third eye hidden under the forehead that sees with only one eye open. and speaks with a third from the past Gorgon to be it’s sister and brother cyclopes.
  7. Pecos Bill; living at night as rustler and during the day as a cowboy. many suspected the two were the same, but one day a dust devil spoke to me and asked him to capture my tallest brothers and return with them three by three. and so he moved mid west as fast as whistle that blew south unto north and turned below with a lasso gathering two that keep us away and the last falling astray. he doesn’t rustle cattle anymore.
  8. The Gift of God; the gift of God is ESP; numerology, telepathy, divinity, congnivity, and about 14 more. but given via Christ; these gifts are less than the Father is but never the less it is given for us to understand and worship to what was given for His purpose.
  9. The Creature; the creature is as true as Satan and a provider of apparitions; before and after he or she time jumps with the spirit of God. [he is who he is] and it’s one of the gift's given from God.
  10. The Host; the heart is given to know a person with charisma that can be trusted tomorrow, but always sincere from from their own fears conquered. willing always to help or defend another. blessed is he. "there is a grief that councils man it is to be between life and knowing what will be and what will not. it is the eye that separates truth and foundation to be settled." "has not a man challenged in his years; to make it much easier than it was? many see what can be seen and one is given to know if he is your host for tomorrow? yes the lord says he will be our host of tomorrow. if i heard correct the host of tomorrow will be your Father in heaven correct? yes. yes. correct." "when the world was set aside from one another a right of thought was given to the one who was true in all meaning the giver of thought and emotion yielding under the foundations of God trusted under the foot and will of man taken from and to the reaches under the tree of knowledge and union of thought and harmony." written in: The Book of the Apostle 
  11. Chimera; by the thwins that are in Heaven on Earth and torn by two bloodlines that make an Eagle; with the head; of a Gator , followed by a Roc; who is the Mother, and truth all day. and who is fake; one night under the skies that was given away to three twins; that are water and ice given to frost and fire. to whom unto it’s breath was heard here unto the day; given by the night; crowing thunders of lightning, and hurling stones at the same time that's lifting; the waters of Enoch to every passing Heaven that’s remembered, under the sun, and passing under the wings, that went into the man-child, who is the keeper of knowledge, to sow, the two, and one, together as thwins four times under the Gates of Hell taking flight under the wings of a chimera nesting the leviathan and Cockathrice that charms with a feather and tale.
  12. The Zenith; by His will to be accordingly through Jesus Christ and the works of your heart planted before the Kingdom of God's children and before the return of God and His Angels. the giving of grace has been received through the sacrifice of sins given today in charge of the gardens and fountains of youth giving transformation to heavenly beings of Christ and Zenith who are transit in Spirit as the works of a mustard seed that's planted in the heart that labors for seven score and four years for the young. Zenith also: Xenith the sun and see also: Midgard. Zenith: "direction of the head" or "path above the head".
  13. The Chosen; this the sign that is given before the rapture will occur. if he is wandering into the garden surely God will ask for me to relieve in a place of angels, and God took the man into hidden realm called purgatory for the young man to remain in spirit unto God’s glory that fills the body of His servant with Christ and has rested Him unto the rebirth of flesh and spirit. for one is the vessel of the Spirit that opens the gates and frees the Morrow Christian. are you the sacred glory? are you the asking yourself who Am I? God has brought you unto the wind that carries the breath and life of knowledge given in you to speak and be heard from the beginning of time until the end. during the great tribulation of God’s right of hand, judging the good from the bad, which is taken to rapture and Priests of God’s will to be given the witnessing of this event. even before the the rapture occurred. God had given both my hands and feet stigmata that showed the wounds of Jesus crucified and my being reborn as the vessel of God’s Spirit who is Jesus Christ. many signs are given during this union to know that God has prepared the right of passage into Heaven and rebirth.
  14. The Spoils of a Great King; from where there are no rules to be made in stone, or to another’s path but are own. [We have walked this path for many years and never stumbled as to know what good is?] [Angel] , for some; the pure and simple words of God will always be over the heads of those who judge[hate] and hurt people with the good words of God. today I write in spirit of God that keeps all things accountable. so that all the days of rest will be given back to what was and to what will be rest unto Heaven. God has found me a new Heaven beside His own that will be taken for a year behind it’s due date to see the light of forty days under this Heaven that we share with the Body of Christ and to whom it lasted for 24 years, to be stored in the desert; unto it’s own kin; to be divided and balanced among it's children of tomorrow. I have chosen two garden’s keepers for the time that will be given for them tomorrow to start from; where I left off. taking the light of God to the underworld and given the latter day that returns the sheepfold in time of the harvest.
  15. Inheritance of the Earth is Meek; the meek do not pray to a God, but the lord feeds them day and night. the meek never seen God, but the lord knows them day and night. the meek never known the word of God, but the Lord gives them living bread day and night, the meek work hard day and night until their bones hurt, but the Lord knows thy works to be puritan(working class) pure and true, so God has this to say for you. “you who are meek, and who has been saved since the beginning of time to be my chosen people and to whom inherits the earth forever and ever.” Amen.
  16. Heyoka (A Vessel or Chosen One an Idol); "The Pueblo clowns (sometimes called sacred clowns) are jesters or tricksters in the Kachina religion (practiced by the Pueblo Indiansof the southwestern United States). It is a generic term, as there are a number of these figures in the ritual practice of the Pueblo people. Each has a unique role; belonging to separate Kivas (secret societies or confraternities) and each has a name that differs from one mesa or pueblo to another. The clowns perform during the spring and summer fertility rites. Among the Hopi there are five figures who serve as clowns: the Payakyamu; the Koshare (or Koyaala or Hano clown); the Tsuku; the Tatsiqto (or Koyemsi or Mudhead); and the Kwikwilyak.[1] With the exception of the Koshare, each is a katsinam (personification of a spirit). It is believed that when a member of a kiva dons the mask of a katsinam, he abandons his personality and becomes possessed by that spirit. In order for a clown to perform meaningful social commentary via humor, the clown's identity must usually be concealed. The sacred clowns of the Pueblo people, however, do not employ masks but rely on body paint and head dresses. Among the best known orders of the sacred Pueblo clown is the Chiffoneti (called Payakyamu in Hopi, Kossa in the Tewalanguage, Koshare among the Keres people, Tabösh at Jemez, New Mexico, and Newekwe by the Zuñi). These individuals present themselves with black and white horizontal stripes painted on their bodies and faces, paint black circles around the mouth and eyes, and part their hair in the center and bind it in two bunches which stand upright on each side of the head and are trimmed with corn husks.[2] The mudheads (called Koyemshi in Zuni, and Tatsuki in Hopi) are usually portrayed by pinkish clay coated bodies and matching cotton bag worn over the head.[3]"~Wikipedia 
  17. The Garden’s Keeper; i am the Root of God that enters through Heaven on Earth as a victory to life over death. i am the knowledge and sacred capacity under God. and i am the return of Heaven under the Gardens of God that replenishes all four corners of Heaven.
  18. The Shepard; i am the Shepard of this flock until relieved. i am the keeper of sacred knowledge. i am the Herald of Archangels that speak from the Highest Mountain. and i am the prophecy given to the blessing under God.
  19. The Coalition; The Christian Coalition means two heavenly bodies deliver out of the fruits gathered unto the lord and the flesh made edible thereof. if the Lord speaks through them then the child is the messenger and keeper of the hidden branch. if the Lord has chosen a representative then the Lord has given to the tree that branches into this nation or a nation under God’s choosing. and if the Lord chooses not, then let them be prophets that hold to Christianity. and as the day begins from a Republican and changes assemble when decisions are public through 50 representatives that lead each state upon the return of Christ.
  20. Demon: Seed of Heaven; when i branched seven heavens into one tree God saw the Heaven return. i am branched under the creation of God that seeded Me to grant understanding in the Spirit as tomorrow is given to the future and a chasing of the wind to seed the Father and Son unto the olive tree and branch that become grafted for a time that gathers fruit unto all nations and all the works of God created.
  21. Intercessor of God; if you intercede for someone the Spirit of God will be upon you. and if you would intercede in the Spirit of God then let no one else intercede for you. for your zeal alone will show the Truth in Spirit unfold.
  22. The Antichrist; the Antichrist is a participant that is chosen before God’s return and is anticipated to be on the Highest Mountain next to His six Antichrist who participate and help from on High Mountains that encircle the Highest Mountain and it’s word given to the world.
  23. Son of Perdition; i am not the weak nor the strong but in between that holds on to God’s message and fills the light of absent ones coming. and is given to the world as an example in Spirit, and courage next to God’s heart which is holy and true. while you sin it breaks courage in the Spirit of Christ in us who open their hearts given to the world, as life is given unto death, as the Spirit is given unto the works of God, and to the hardness in others that hear then run from the light that closes their faith in themselves, and from the presence of the light returning. so have the courage that the lord has come, and swallowed the earth and the sins of every being of the Spirit that returns over and over again.
  24. Night Mares; when the lights open the nightmare with storming hooves that cry with sadness and storms with madness and she stops by your pillow whenever one is not needed or forsaken are to be under reins of happiness and by the waters of God's heart.
  25. The Goat; when the land grows strong and the children have eaten of the knowledge planted in the center of the garden that was wedged in between two hidden giving first and last parallel conjuncture to the Heavens above and as the union in all its children to gain knowledge accordingly through the land and country it serves. as a peace official and family orientation. to be trusted as the next and housing of good will.
  26. Kharon; from a King’s Ship to a ferryman of the night named Kharon who was drawn upon the waters and its firmament as the ram and head of the ship that changes to a head of a goat with horns and then reborn into the lamb of heaven or from the earth stillborn from a creel of water to flesh and spirit reborn, bought and sold from a Mark that was lost but found by the Hand of God.
  27. The Lamb; the innocent and overruled; the one who makes the sacrifice for awareness and greater good to overcome adversity through guilt or false accusation. a martyr and brethren in Spirit giving the last of Heaven the opening chamber and the gift of a new leaf turned.
  28. The Moth; the moth in all array has given her day to the darkness from whence she came from a day long before earth and sun met together, she choices the monarch and the ones seen fit to wear a godly garment. she’s as kind as beautiful and never alone she waits for her day in the world and for her husband. (The Light).
  29. The Image of a Dragon; a dragon’s pearl was eaten and stored in the bosom of the world and that pearl became man-child, he knew he was mystical in all nature. one day the lord told him that he would control the wind and rain and God conjured an image onto himself to be known for an eternity. the man-child grow up and became that image. now the man was counseled by the high priest’s and the elected of God. now the dragon(to be alike) was woman who gave birth to a living image of man that will be taken out of a wilderness by another dragon who is the mother’s sister so that she could hide and teach the man-child and cure him of his wound, so that he could open the gates of heaven to proclaim the messiah returns. the dragon spoke many tongues and brought the world to know the past, future and present nature of many things to come through the gates of Eternity, as it was to be given through the spirit of God’s only begotten son Jesus Christ. who now rules at the right hand of God and now is the Father of Heaven. so the dragon saw what was planned before the beginning of time and threw His own image that looked like an egg over the wall of china into a imperial garden where a white dragon with red eyes would await the new image.
  30. The Dryad and Tree of Life; the water are cleanse from the watery dragon the swims width and length under the water taken for a Day returning that brings tropical paradise from the Gulf of Mexico under two serpents of the Tree of Life that was split into three vessels that floated onto a lonely current to and from its origins returning unto one awaiting serpent that now lives above the Tree of Life through and under the roots of religion.
  31. Trail Of The Serpent; thirst will enter by the cotton mouth biting down on what can be swallowed, holy and true. and first fruits can be bitten in two giving life and knowledge. why be selfish when the serpent(woman) gives truth and wisdom to appear as a lie. let faith be the provisions both good and bad during separation from the garden. and keep on the right path so that tomorrow’s children show the fruits of each garden opened.
  32. The Garden Serpent; the heel of God is the king of Heaven through the severance under the head and light unto your feet cleansed for a time anointed. my path is dread and fruit washed from the floor yielding Heavenly fruit from under thus the sun of Heaven will return. thirst is from under felt and yielding thought through the hair bonding from a new covenant union with yesterday and forehead broken in two locks now under rooted from yesterday taken from the other treated forcefully and pushed fro and too unto the two hidden in the wilderness.
  33. The Garden and Goddess; from One of many there is One for the last and first to become many. and the first who is the last will be taken through the gate’s of God's heart, that is gifted with knowledge, and truth that’s is under the root of a cotton tree that is found in the garden center of a rose bowl from under the trees of God’s garden that is yielding good fruit and a time to harvest the knowledge and serpent that whispers into the souls of men that become many to One and from One to many of the dryads and gardens keepers of the hidden tree of life and the goddess of the garden whose wisdom is given to those who are drawn in by seduction of her whisper; and she asks of them who enter into the garden for knowledge to eat of Her fruit and the fruits of God’s garden that is moist and sweet smelling with morning dew when the garden is ripe, and ready for seeding and the picking of hidden knowledge that is revealed to us in communion with the spirit of God who is Our Father in Heaven. Amen.
  34. Cloak and Hood; refinement is balance between good and evil through a body or soul of God’s choosing that is formed from clay and then placed in a furnace for a fortnight and day that hardens the vessel for incarnation to be hidden or cloaked. (in sheep's clothing).
  35. The Heavenly Shepherds; the Shepherd is the Heavenly being protectorate. He or She or both are/is the shepherd and the caregiver of the heavenly body that He or She or both protect and as He numbers his flock to one fold She feeds the lamb in Heaven. and then He finds the lost sheep that graze from afar or near their borders. many will change the perception and then return without knowing that what is said to them is now being said through them it is a humble right and fortune that is given to goods works. when one is in the spirit then we all are in the spirit or who ever be innocent will be cleaned. who will be lost if God blinds them? or who will be found if one is lost. would God give us a shepherd that cannot see? no He'll be in the shepherd and they will become one fold.
  36. The School of Fish (Leviathan); the waters of God become truth and the wisdom of God that inherits knowledge and the depths of water that hold schools of fish that were hooking and then turning and then given for the return of the dead that are given three times and a third of time to be in sync when in spirit or turning with the truth as God sways back and fro to and from a pregnant woman's womb to be the last sign for the daughters of Pisces and Gemini who are new in creation as the two princesses become twins and a truth invited for a great wedding to occur under the Heavenly a body of light reflecting from the patterns of good work that has been given 10,000 chances to re-flourish the ocean's floor and seven seas; to be as the body, mind, and soul of God vessel that is under the deep waters of God's knowledge that will be given during a winter time.
  37. The Seven Angels; the clouds that come together and the lord will send seven angels(storms) to gather the waters over a nation and these seven angels in the sky will transform themselves into clouds that are heard and seen for miles as their rain begins.
  38. The Fields of Labor; the land Lord is given twenty years and then gives the land to the next in line who is working and farming when the land Lord retires. there are seven hundred rows and seven thousand columns of cotton to be to be knitted. one shirt and one coat is given to the working hands of the land that will be farmed. the flour is given from a wheel and then refined and then after it is refined it is stored at the price of giving Heaven to more work in subsidiaries that gather with time and trust through the American Government which is the wheel of the working hand that turns thus; into gardens of laborers who are promised pay at the end of the day to make bread for tomorrows cycle of land Lords who are the Trinitatis.
  39. The Garden's Helper; in the garden there was only one trumpet; one helper per man; one flesh; one body; one spirit. and one mind that holds to the right side of the brain and the left rib of a church; taken from the body of Christ that is built from the first firmament of Heaven on earth unto the second firmament.
  40. Twelve Stones; the rock of stone and the body of woman lifted from the waters of creation. before there was man there was a sword. and around this sword there was 12 gardens and around each garden there were 12 queens and each queen had a king and for each king there was a church and in them 12 churches there were 144 harlots that played the music of angels in the past and as they played you would hear the echoes of wind that passes through the ear and into the soul of water and harmony.
  41. Ten Thousand Valkyrie; the first time we given the spirit of Jesus we honored the Father. but the second time I was released before I was taken into heaven as the first witness before the house of God. before the house was emptied we called for a 10,000 Valkyrie and God gave us the Heavens above.
  42. The Oni; the daemon is a father or mother of God’s own image who's art is in heaven given to be the last given for the first light that renews entrust, and understanding for change. for God has giving us free will and the authority to do so onto others as it was given to Me who is living today from rebirth as the Spirit of Heaven on Earth. for each others Heaven will bring another into succession every 6 days that is spared among 12 years that is giving the gift of Heaven within a light and renewal that succeeds tomorrow in the Sun.
  43. The Magi; there is a road that connects yesterday unto a day that was seen to a man that was traveling this way when he was attacked by some local merchants. after seeing this man he felt pity and took the poor man to a lodge that was in the mountains and gave this man hospitality so that he could heal. and while the man was healing a group of merchants check in but these guests were rude did not have a cent to their name as they traveled to the lodge that opened their doors without asking a penny. but suspicion overtook them as they tried to use their magic(illusions) to pay their debt. but the lord said this is unnecessary. for the one before you has already paid your debt. and everyday did one enter to know the debt or riches of a man that paid their hospitality in full. for it is a custom to these parts to lodge any one passing by, being friend or foe. but hidden is the hand that pays their debt for He is the a gate keeper of this mountain's pass who was saved by a hand of a giant who brought that one man here and paid his debt for this keep. so that he could rest for time and a time the was taken. for he is now a son of the Oni Mage who is the owner and lodge at this mountain's pass. see also:Magi
  44. Three Welcomed Guest; three loaves of barley and the day is given to rise as the last shall open a gate and then gates of the same gate of the three wise men who breaks a loaf of wheat bread with them who rises early with them and then rises again to give mass consumption of grain that is given for three equal measures according to abundance of the the land that the lord has given to all it's inhabitants that worked for the day to come, and gather for tomorrow's banquet that's set for three welcomed guest that become land lords in one season, for the lands that they nourished shall rise together as the the bread of life is given for a days pay in the vineyard for pressing the wine and oil of God's creation in season.

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