Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Our Sacrifice Will Not Be In Vain

 a note to those who understand that what they fought for is now in hands and they never have to fight Me again if they would believe that i have been long wanting to say the things the could not have been or even until now. when America gave independence it did not give away its truth and the dynamic process of today knowing our faith and alliance to God the Almighty. and i have come to you myself in order to say peace beside itself for the children that can see could see what tomorrow brings. i am a man of God's intension but i am also the Heavenly Father who opens His death THROUGH us in vanity because we thought that Roger was not Who we assumed or measured completely in the public eye. that gives to the world our own freedom. to die for another that never knew the one that sacrificed life in order to awaken that What was never seen. and to understand what i Roger have been through even after i have been given to Hell Fire for an eternity to follow in my steps that could not change what was given to Me. but what i die for is for is the universe to come back together as we had did today already. and i Roger Ramos Grant has stepped into the past to know our future and what i can see from another day taken from this day; today to be its own reward. i have fought the good fight and had lost the bad one, so that those who believe in Me shall take my sacrifice and place it above all in order to do what is right or i what i was given to do while those who become Me are scattered through the galaxies in order to save what i have never lost from the beginning. and they will bring Me life back to this day that was forgotten but now found and understood for what i have to do in order to live beside you.. i will live so that i can give protection to our galaxy as one would live forever in peace, as one will live forever through Me who has sacrficed themslves to let us live again in God's name with authority.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What is Happy

   Will this system pick up change it will swing to 100 and 1000 years and then 200000 and a half a time for that in that in europe there shall be 2 two new days one for yesterday and one for today be its own binding the skin that it ripped off are lining is so thick that the fragileness of heaven can be warped by sin and every person and god's state metaphysical will receive more announcement through psych we will be given a chance to know death every 40 years and begin the same opportunity that god had given this world to be renewed from the beginning god created man and then she created herself from man she is the bone and the structure of our church she is our house the home of god's abode she is rich some may say she's poor but what god had given to us had made everyone rich it's not because of our sons that graduate or know the time but it's because our daughters will know the same time give it we give one hand to the other in exchange for yesterday's piece that was not given but we still thank god for the light that we shared with each other give to each other when we were cold and we are absent we're always willing to share today we have been murdered none of our own kin on brotherhood but because we were going to forget about ourselves if we trust in the lord then the lord will cover the world with green give us every new purple color the sun will shine and change every day until we could look and see everything everyone the smiling faces our choice is to man is not to hurt one another but to cure us from our own sin it had changed the whole world the universe what we do is what we do without knowing that we do things and we got a new set of awareness that shows god has chosen us because we're his children this day we walk beside her and they're beside ourselves so that we can live again and keep surviving

The Hospice

 Has been found that two days of absent behavior restricts the good from becoming known heaven is like a gift in one hand that has been exchanged for the other one part of your body does the same part as the opposite of your brain but it never tells it to change and how we begin in the future is what started in the past the things that made us comfortable that lack grace if we find ourself absent but we find ourselves in the need to know what changes us cannot be given for the whole only for a few who outnumbered themselves it changes the day by all who come by and find themselves at peace until the day had changed and they could not do nothing anything about it so what is lost is not given it's not exchanged if it is always said after the doubt has been given that last is never the least but better and greater so god always be. Amen