Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Beauty and Wisdom

this is how you use dishonest gain and enter into Heaven. i was just spiritual remarried to my younger wife Athena. and she saw how i started to become desired by other woman because i had became her husband. so she called me over to the bed and had me suck her milky white breast and when I did she changed into another woman. and while i would go down to eat the fruit of other women and would place a half crown on their heads and seed their garden and while doing so one of them had grab my head rough as i was eating her fruit; she would seize my head and started to seizure and as if the earth had shaken down all the fruits of their trees down to heaven as to replenish the earth for another day and as i would come up for air, she would push my head back down in her with her hand and some juices squirted in my eyes as i went down that country road. she would come across as if i had done something wrong to her and never said sorry. but i kept eaten from that country garden(Hera) that sweet Jezebel of mine until i rendered weary, and after she was done i wiped my mouth clean. and my mouth was opened again; as i could speak the riddles of Heaven again, and then i asked her what was the meaning of this; Listen to what God has to say; and She says you married this woman to a king and then you gave her to a king and then you gave that king a crown for two hours and then you took it back. and this is what she says "I have finally taken My vengeance upon you with My own hand. 'and time after time I say unto you there will be no generation that will pass a seed until i cometh and they shall know that I Am the Lord of Lords; and the hand of God that feeds you.'" and as soon as she had said that i went fast asleep. I know now that we will both enter into heaven together, because i know that i have repented with the beauty of Wisdom. see also: Holy of Holies

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