Sunday, February 25, 2018

Lost Love will Last Forever

this is reason; that becomes an old story that has been told a thousand times. there was once a black man and a white woman that loved each other before they fell in love in the south country Louisiana. where a fifth of its population was black and hispanic when the rest of the settlers became white. these two would go under a tree patched the woods for a hug and a kiss. but the town know of the relationship and tore it apart but the Lord held back and took the woman before the House of God and spent his every last penny to marry this woman. soon later after they wed the crowd moved upon them and killed the sheriff of that town and killed the goodness of that town and fell under a night of sleep as the two hung side by side under there own tree of dreams. there was a time when i was married to this woman in Alamogordo NM. only if she knew how much i loved her then and even more now when i hear this sacred trust in bonds for a lifetime to be one as we were before we got married under a lonesome house of God's heart that's filled with tears of goodness to know she is alive today and still beside me in spirit. and now for this reason i write this note; is so that i will never stop loving this woman for we have been together for two thousand years says Jesus Christ who is the father and son of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
in memory of the two who live today and are still in love. her name is Carolyn and Joan of Arc. she is my wife, Mother and Saint of God.

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