Saturday, February 3, 2018

Unwelcome Guest

as to believe in one God and one heaven one body in Christ that gives before the time of renewal and forsakes not one but gives to the plenty that is in heaven on earth as it was given before the time and times taken before the light of God is seen but the Father who is Jesus Christ and the body of God who has willingly given the flesh and the spirit to be found and lifted from hell unto purgatory as the man-child entered into the garden before season and the spirit of the under world rooted through one incarnation after the other as the Father of incarnation and fire passed from a seed of a daemon that has eaten dust and death that follows the second reincarnation of God and His only begotten son Buddha who in the Spirit and body of God's perfection and to whom it's waits for a time until the seed is passed from a woman who is the mother, and the last and first during it's renewal into flesh and bone that is made incorruptible from the spirit of God that dwelt in heaven before flesh and the word became stone. and after three seasons have passed God will returned the first and last fruit of the garden seemed abundantly green for the eye is ripe when one falls from purgatory and because of the garden was still  green while harvesting. and when the Angels saw only one working in the garden. they were told to rest for a time and a half a time, but heaven felt guilty as the man-child entered the garden to soon, so Jesus appeared after death was taken and then eaten from the place where the spirit sinks into the earth while Jesus proclaimed 'purgatory'.

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