Friday, February 9, 2018

Red Wine and Marriage

the first day of February a ground hog felt the warm gift of the sun across the cheeks and it's face as a the ground hog blushed bright red. as a jasper that was hidden within all the colors of a rainbow upon the waters the make thus; great. a time, season and marriage for two older sisters of the same garden that pressed the grapes of wrath that were held for two passing by. for one is a Samaritan that returns the hospitality that was given to him. as to remember one to return unto that man that was broken and left behind. and from the waters of Egypt’s ejaculation. and the seed of Pharaoh that will be born from the first birth of God’s marriage that made the rivers become bright red as the fermenting wine of God’s marriage. as the matrimony that becomes greater than the last marriage that was prepared from them who open three gardens that blended. as we moved easterly with the full moon against our back within in a bundle or satchel that will be given for the underworld. for it's children to passed through five maidens on horseback as that are followed by two more advents that only travel easterly in a up and down spiral fashion that will be twisting. and sowing seeds to the trees north east to it’s kingdom and mountains on earth that was given a time before this time that was to be at hand. but was taking to hold on to each others child until the birth of Heaven returns. and then i saw a sixth and seventh maiden enter late from the heavens as she carried a child through the underworld on her back. as the moon reached out and touched the child that she was carrying unto a marriage that will honor God’s kingdom. and after the Red Sea was crossed we continued east ward as the moon was against our back and then we moved north east until we found the Mountain of Muhammad. and climbed it. and as i got to top, i looked west towards the moon and i saw a creature that looked like a rabbit's cotton tail looking out of its hole as a ground hog appears and then goes back into the hole. and then i saw the moon become a pearl's light and ruby that was casted to the eye of a jeweler that held treasure in one hand. and Heaven to the other eye that hid under the closing eye of a wink to be the first and last that first appeared under a heaven that waned to anew blood of it's moon. and rivers that were pouring from the Red Sea and unto a Heaven that was prepared for two weeks or more weeks under a garden that has kept the ram's horn until it was Valentines. for a time was prepared for the Great Marriage unto the brides. that break open two new wine skins that swallowed a heavenly river above the rivers below. that were hidden to outside caves that preserves God's word for 300 years under Heaven that returns a man-child for one hand to the other hand in matrimony. and through the beast that become land lords of God's land and mass given to the wines of marriage that appeared freely from a river holds two other countries in Europe (Ukraine and Poland) that's held together along the side of Russia.

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