Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Garden's of Eden

when the last Prophet has chosen an Apostle to transfer God's spirit into host. as one decreases so shall the other increase and witness as John the Baptist had done. to and from the spirit of God to be seen descending down from heaven as Jesus was baptized from the spirit of God to transfer to another vessel. the chosen vessel is who we seed tomorrow and who's name will be hollow or blotted out from the book of life. They will be Garden Keepers that will keep God's oath to take no other Gods before the Father of Heaven. and these idols will enter at the age of 24 to become Priests or a Prophet of God who are cleansed by the blood of the lamb for a given a time that will be hand and hand. side by side during God’s creation. that become God's first love; the children of God or peace keepers that will become the sons and daughters of God who's image becomes that like of Christ Jesus who is the brother and Father of creation. and they will sing heavenly praise during this sacred trust that rises and stands at the bar of God to witness for each other. and for truth and wisdom to enter into the wilderness for 40 years and 40 gardens that yields familiar fruit to each garden keeper that will hold on to the future. and the past helping each time taken for a cherubim of 10 that will help the keepers of this garden to grow good fruits unto the Prophet who seeds the tree of life from the roots therein. and as to whom roots in deep will also eat the dust from it's creation as a rib that was pulled out from the dust of earth for the root that transforms into a serpent Staff of healing to be a root of KaChina that was given to Moses from Arron. Amen.

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