Thursday, March 15, 2018

Honor the Household

when an apple is given before the the time is eaten then rest for a time and a half a time. but if it were light that is given for another then gather the others to and upon their own heaven that if one is taken from another then so shall theirs be taken, two fold. so enter unto a friends house and give what you can. but those who have taken from any house on earth. so shall their heaven be taken without regard. now belief is given to know God is good, and if God is bad then don't return ever unto another heaven. but if the heart is bad and justice continues to temp others who are in their own house healing in the spirit that constitutes health and welfare for everyone to be in peace. but if you would take that peace from some one then twice will the measure be given to the enemy. and they who gives twice the fire to it's measure so one will never be taken with the other unto a new heaven without repenting to one another. so let the heavenly place in God's heart remain for a time given together on earth. and let those who come from afar and from a hidden passage to hide for a time of rest and rejuvenation and a time and a half a time resting in the wilderness. and if another one shall open up from a hidden path from underneath then leave a coin at the entrance so that when you return back to that entrance you can pick your coin up.

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