Thursday, March 1, 2018

Morning and Evening Stars

and the 1st creature became the air red dragon and it was the sun and the sun reflecting from the stars, and the 2nd creature became a virgin that was given white, and a pearl; that's in union for the moon; giving birth to the 3rd creature that reflects from within and out of the firmament; that is carried to and from rivers and from the underbelly of the monsoon; that reaches unto the waters of fish that are caught in dreams and in the womb too as to bare child and season for a day of tomorrow by a day or night of the month that's catches one for the other that is set before June teenth to be the highest point of the sun at the Eastern Gate that opens from within yesterday yielding balance outward in trust to God and a life giving force that is upon this land of thus; life to it's own country and life to it's self. for each individual state to pardon through the spirit throughout the countries of God's nation to whom becomes holding hand and rod of iron given the power of marriage and for every kingdom that's under God to open up as the flower of life and giver of peace. and for the will of God to prosper under an oath that is given before the dusk of time to be as the Father and honor the Mother in Heaven who is the pearl and the giver of grass and dew that gives reflection under the garden's scepter of light and speed from its beginning and the times of the sun that makes clear the path of light for each other yielding heaven again and again. from the gates of Rah unto the field of dreams that conquer the wheat and the barley and the times forsaken to now that will open what can never be told or understood to fall and take heed your place in Heaven. and now the morning is opening and the morning stars begins with the light of Heaven that reaches all the way to a new reason of hope.

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