Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Their Will and Our Will

God has given us will to do all the things we want to discover and find attractive to our own garden but the lord opens free will and changes the house from one to the other in times that need changing. so the lord honors what is both common and reasonable to know that God has given all things to Their will and ours in heaven.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

The Hopi Indian
time and time again did we know the troubled waters underneath the house of God that will be given and then received beside every house tomorrow that will yield the Hopi Indian who will produce the crops of man's heart that has seeded a monsoon season in the desert for two halves to draw back all the waters into the valley of God's duality in man and spirit to the mother of nature as to do the will of Them who has sent me into this world so that i can do the will of my own and God's.