Sunday, April 8, 2018

Babylon and Sirius

Babylon and Sirius
Babylon and Sirius (MapIII)
the burning waters of Sheol the waters of the underworld, the seas of water and fire hovering over the face of the deep, and an image clothed to the sun seen over the waters of her firmament streaming through every root and canal hidden underneath the gardens of Sirius the western gate to be the only star seen during alignment in the heavenly body, and the only light seen above his firmament gathering three kingdoms to the west with a great blasting horn heard under a western sky that gathered the three armies under the star of Sirius for a great wedding to bring forth stars and the coming of light to be our sun. behold the great waters of marriage given by two pearls for two rings on the hand of the Mother who is the Great Dragon and Daughter who is Virgo and first constellation seen in heaven and the sun brought great light on the third day of rains and cloud cover holding the firmament to a great mist that covered the darkness and drizzles below as our sun waits for his bride (the moon).

Big Bang
the world held their breath for an understanding of the first in its creation bringing true light and understanding to witness the Big Boom heard in succession breaking open the firmament with three loud concussions lying under the atmosphere inhaled by dusk of dawn. breaking fourth the corners and light of all understanding as the Father of Heaven stretches a chariot of fire across the upper firmament awaiting the moon.

The Mist
and i saw how the light became five suns in the south-east that was set above the firmament where the clouds where stretched out across the whole sky and the sun reflected eternity upon this great gathering that covered the surface of earth and the goodness of God’s Spirit unto the earth and its inhabitants that dwell in a mist that grew trees of incredible size.

Two Escorts One Wedding
the moon she comes and with an escort of two saints and she enters through the rings of Saturn lifted across the threshold and firmament and sets again beside the Glory of Heaven.

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