Thursday, April 12, 2018

Club Night

it was a Bachelorette party in a Phoenix Night Club where my roommate worked and me and my two roommates Edgar and Brandon went one night while my friend was worker me and my other roommate went dancing where there was three dance floors with three different styles of music and we sat down there was three beautiful women dancing and the three women were celebrating one of there friends coming of marriage that night and as they were dancing her two friends ask my friend and me to dance that night i felt out of place because me and my roommate switched shoes. and as we went to dance they told us "she is getting tomorrow" and the strangeness of this new city left me as our hearts joined in the right places in the times because one happiness was shared among friend and strangers and this night made me happy because we were treated not outsiders but like the same. i tell this story because that one night was given for for her friend who was was soon to get married. now that i look back upon that day it becomes blessing because i honor that couple who got married and every blessing of my heart goes out them.

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