Thursday, April 26, 2018

God's Journey Into Avalon

the last heaven is hidden behind the third marriage as the heaven welcomes a fisherman by the wayside of a hidden garden taken from a time under a harbor of water that is filled from under the western gate for forty days and nights hidden in her garden for an advent that is given to six garden keepers under God to witness for each other and each others time taken from the mothers womb that will be hidden in a mountains pass that helps every merchant carry his or her own cross up the hill of shame that has torn God’s rib from a day of recompense under the waters of heaven helping a fisherman to return unto a time that was taken for a time away in conjunction to heaven that is separated for two hearts to be one for a third of life’s return under the level of its day that shines from under the heavens hired hand and the keepers of this garden held in a vessel taken to 6th and 7th Advent and up the Latter Day of Saint to prepare the next heaven’s arrival unto a passer by or to a shepherd that was caught up into the rapture of heaven to open three heavenly gates of Nirvana under the serpent’s ourouburus that was sown into the second divorce and a third marriage completely fulfilled by the Prophet Muhammad and His wife prepared for a marriage to return and be given the scales of time and a counterweights measure to a marketplace under the seas of balance for her body to enter a Quran lifting out from the waters of her creation drifting back unto Avalon’s garden under the foundation and Christ Jesus who is the second and third heaven renewed to a shepherd’s fold that returns a host and Wu Jinn under the mountains passing of darkness unto one magi that becomes the creation of God’s beloved Buddha painted Egyptian gold.

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