Tuesday, April 3, 2018

One Month and One Half of God's Beast

under the celestial calendar we(western) are two months and two weeks behind under the balance of the Chinese Zodiac. for example: my wife was born Dec 29th 1976. and now under the traditional Chinese zodiac; she is now a serpent(snake) on the branch of fire. the fifth(2in1) element of God's heaven.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

Cycle of Time
Time and Measurement
10 months per cycle 12 years per cycle 1200 years per cycle = 144,000 years; the measure of time is a day per year given above the northern hemisphere and year per thousand into heavens above that changes life and freedom for all to open as a true guide and a measurement to us under the Heavens. 144,000 celestial years is the completion of the celestial calendar or 20 years on earth.