Thursday, April 19, 2018

Rebirth of Spirit

Rebirth of Spirit
  1. now that you have put away all flesh and educated yourself about the Spirit of Christ and was found approved by the spirit so that your past life (meaning this life, the same life you were taken from the Spirit of Christ)cannot be judged but by the grace of Jesus Christ who died for our sins, so that what is only of the Spirit can see Judgement Day.
  2. Judgement Day: is a review of what you have done in the Spirit before you are born again.
  3. being born again is a process of death where you were chosen not to have a physical death in the presence of God and so that you can inherit paradise on earth with all His children.
  4. for example: when the horns are blown many will see death: meaning many will be reborn in Spirit and receive everlasting life.

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