Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Delta Δ Garden δ Center

a time will go by without silence to awaken the Heavenly body; our essence; and the Spirit of God resurrected through understanding and the first fruits of wisdom that is under the canopy of God's hidden garden that brings the dancing or the act of rain lifted to the naked winds that whip(hail stones) through and about the center of Earth and North East of God's Holy Mountain that breaths life into God's(thunder bird) to and fro as a frail or skirt in a spiraling circle(dough-si-dough); that is given to and back to the dance of hunger(dance of bread) and life that is blowing through the air as fine cotton wool; and the cleansing of God's body; via a fifth element; and hidden manna of God's tree of knowledge taken deep from the roots of heaven's garden center though a fourth element that becomes the marriage of God's hour at hand given to and from the City of Mexico over the first and second Heavens returning from three gardens centered in lake and from the branch the serpent's flesh eaten by the image and winged beast(Eagle) that sets above the Golden City of God (the Light)over the waters of Mexico that are seen from above a Heavenly night of rest.


Athenic said...

The Dance of Bread
and when heaven opens the sign and the gulf of Mexico; when Mexico is entering into labor at the fourth day of Heaven's siesta while dancing the dance of bread; for no woman would cry before they ate. the mystery behind the dance is to keep yourself from hunger and that's what she did. she would wait until her husband came home late at night to eat and she sang and danced new song that brought heaven together upon great wedding that was set for eternity. Amen.

Athenic said...

The Mark of God
it was during the great tribulation when God had reached and marked me from wicked works and me blameless in the eyes of Christ. it was marked on the back of my hand in the red so that only those who were raptured as to be first to die unto them who raptured yesterday have also died as to gain sight to see Heaven on Earth. and the first rapture existed upon God's will and in Me was given to us to seek the mysteries of Christ that will open one fold and then give the Heavens to the Gentiles(Mexico).