Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Underworld and The Waters of God's Heaven

and after the gathering was over the two were picked from the chosen few that had the right and will to honor God's Heaven. so before the chosen was given man and woman had to separate and return without knowing that they would become the voice and hand of God's child. so upon the rocks was sitting the man child and he was looking up into the Heavens as it just torn apart. and from the heavens we sent an angel (as a duck) to the twin heaven that awaited a wolf and duck that spoke openly to the sun saying that no darkness shall appear as you shine as that was a hidden gate from under gave way unto the return of God's heaven that is above as is it below the firmament that levels the seas of God's water to Man and Woman's return. and then i seen two ravens come out from darkness of Noah's flood and changed in the presence of the Lord and its light and turned into two white ducks as the ground was given to the hills of God and the hills were given back to mountains and as the man and woman exited from their cave and lived a long time on earth.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

Third Marriage
the raven who becomes choice flock under heaven to be as a messenger given the mysteries of God’s reunion of light and darkness. for what was chosen at hand brings forth flight of two heavenly birds in the garden that change the mysteries of God from the foundations of earth, and Venus who gathered a third of each blessing given to heaven. but one who is given the same finds the last portion undivided and says when we have children that will be our lot given. after what was said two Angels hover over man and teach true wisdom from a cave called re-birth or resurrection. the last of heaven was changed for the light you know now but you change what will be darkness and light everlasting when you learn to speak with the hand of God at your side while you are reborn. as soon as the man leaves the cave he settles upon every rock and then ponders and every stone he could find for reasoning. and then he tells himself why does my heart feel so empty when I'm alone. an angel appears to his side and asks for his hand in marriage. and when he heard this; He began and was able to speak to God. everything good and everything needed would be the same happiness shown to you Lord. as the morning a great sign appeared in heaven and brought forth great terror in their eyes as two birds fly into each other, and spreads apart the distant ring of its firmament and levels out as it is hurled from a sling across a new dimension and area of Heaven and to what was seen from a beginning of heaven split in two. one brought forth a wind of nature and abundance to all creatures living and reborn while the other brought forth the waters of heaven to be pure and drinkable. from two will one separate and become the light of Heaven who is brother of Mars; and who will also become mother of all earthly things to be created from good and bad. "for Her sake who reminds us of the fallen angels who are made to Heaven as the making of its own child and birth now honored beside each other. and who is my twin sister and one measure under God." ~Medusa