Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Wrong Person Died on Our Cross

the Holy Spirit is the favor in our heart and the help given to God and if you would deny it. you will surely regret it. and your fall will not be next to another's reach as not to bring someone else down with you. but if you get up, do it on your own and you will build strength and will start to endure your own cross as so that God will never have to suffer anymore.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

The Pearl Dragon: Bar-Jesus: the heavens average becomes the when day grows and the bread of Jesus rises when a season is ready and prepared for the wilderness life is 3.5 years going into the wilderness and 3.5 years going out of the wilderness that transforms two from a cave in the Hills of Gold and lifted three cities into heaven as fire flew across the sky and under heaven translating the languages of the underworld and the deep.