Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Rhinestone Dragons

has been given the light unto a day’s thought that is shattered to the earth and it's return; and to the mountains; and to wind; that is given beside the sand for eternity. for the absence of God’s foundation that was broken and then remade to a time and times taken for a time under a star spangled roof over the Church of Heaven in the same fashion that is to be taken for two twins; a brother and sister, to be it's wife and brother's wife taken for each others dimension to open the next gate of  heaven and that is given to the hour at hand. that becomes smooth as polished rhinestone as it stretched out across the tops of our heaven that tunnels from under Heaven's garden that sets under a time taken together to yield twice the fires upon the garden of it's spirit to be blessing of the most high firmament. see also:map

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