Saturday, June 30, 2018

Five Cent® Time (Central)

the eyes are the and the change to heart the eyes echo from a dream given to wink the green is jade and red becomes read the coming of the lord thy strength in heaven copper was the skin and thought three days later the fruit is the skin and flesh of gold under silver return beside three facing unto heaven three years and fours and seven given four a each week fore each wink four each eye tooth and face covered under felt hail bop and the covering of time seen seventy in-flight and thirty aborted in the fall from the nest as one returns from girth holy and true given from two times returning under green fruit who worships the God’s Day Hurled two and one from the bottom of light unto the star within a garden held at hand but voice said through the first that if you insist must fruit at the side of thirst and happiness the winds of girth the frail of wisdom or first tooth pulled truth and wisdom blinded the woman who gives to the youngest; and for the oldest daughter to return with a golden touch and rubbed into a hymn locked unto a crystal pearl that is encircled between two bosoms unto a green jade and ring that can be heard from a mountain top and a bosom of two pearls anti metallic to percussion gold polished above and below a ring; light green; jaded through copper coagulated from the red white and blue insight of three awakened from a dream; two a time four a time unto a sign that held a time to enter though the bottom of girth above mid earth half in and half out of birth fixed unto a rings finger four every eye two behold two hands grooming a half a day; a half a month; and a half a year opened though each cache made from red, white and blue; candle light that gives forty and four returned a tenth of time return; awakened from one dragons charm and hidden serpent behind the cockathrice; that O serpent the platinum dragon; tumid jinn; a set net that hid the Son of God in the womb and cavern unto peace; a veil; and mosque; hollow to thy name; the name kept sacred and silent marked to the head heart and thigh a golden age lead from a golden lamp stand left to its right centered behind; a copper, gold and silver exchange though alchemistic light held for a sparkle of light held for the salt of earth; the eye; and camel’s returned well balanced; well thought; wielded from clad to metallurgy; the first and last returning from heaven; from a pearl; a moon; a crystal ball; a twins hand; two merchants; and a third of each hand returned; promised; heeded gold; a cash cow; golden calf; Achilles hidden heal brighten for a lamp that shines forever beside the first hand and merchant’s oil; the hand of marriage; frankincense and myrrh; spice and hidden treasure; third time branded; standing at the Bar of God; lightning bolts hurled though a corner stone four wings of flight and standing leap through the spirit of God; unto flight or fight; messenger of twins; a night justified and a day returned; an hour at hand; three ravens raving under a third underworld; hymns that open once before taken twice and thrice daily from the fruits of our labor heard to the supplicant of God; heard day and night; mid morning and evening hymn locked; that can not be unleashed or taken off a wall for wailing; her every knee walk upon or drawn to the faith; our lady of the mountain; given to a path of return through the wilderness; a gate; keepers of faith corner stones and mid guard; middle east of Asia minor; the and beholder of mid guard; a tooth of wisdom; a star of hope; a spiritual kiss awaiting; ground hog’s day seen; truth and wisdom enmeshed a fort nights time becoming holy and true; a mountain top and captivity elusive to Enoch and the host of hosts that fell mid center’s earth rooted from the breadth of God’s kingdom and Ozark around and about the mothers well; the waters transformed under and over a pyramid captured capped sized under an ice cap that pulled from one kite that pulled a third kite through a well; black waters that flows up and under two firmaments; the winds of God; breath of life; shouting out from the desert; a time of rejuvenation; a fort night and time atop a mountain and holy diver marked from an eastern gate up and under an open swell; a third world and fourth heaven under mid frost; Haley's Comet and Hail-Bop observed for the coming of a sixth and seventh advent; latter day saints. Her return is unto Me from twins and a separation with God's heart, and thought enclosed unto Me her hand Saint Joan the Arch now bonded. returned. whence towards the under a gate and one day taken under two days taken two rest firth dimension

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