Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Law and Force of Nature

from the light of God’s heart to open the will of one who is hindered or given a head wound of doubt taken from perspective as to comprehend the abstract theories under law and government. the heart of reach that becomes a branch of law through the spirit and anointment of God as the first fruits through the or (in)spirit to retain all knowledge given to remember per say; taken from a free garden yielding all-around view and all expense through knowledge for every walk of life to comprehend and know the value of God’s law and what was given for all citizens to be treated freely and given a benefit of doubt to every case that’s given to be indifferent. the ante of sin is death before life is dealt; but if law abides for peace between two contingents, then life must separate from the garden to grow stronger even than those who fear the price of supply and demand from good hearts set aside to be harvest but it is the cause of effect of a brief moment in time that severs the good fruits from the bad fruits to be left behind with the remainder of its fruit, but God who knows every heart filled with the spirit is given chance and a new wine skin that holds good and bad fruits to extend the life of its garden; as the begotten of truth and wisdom grows with knowledge and given a change of heart to separate from doubt, or any root of evil that takes truth and wisdom from the tree of righteousness as to become an infidelity to reach and yield in spirit. and as every head wound heals and grows again from separation as time reaches out and speak from the heart, as repentance is given for one another to enter Heaven and see God at the right hand of the Father who is saved unto the return of God’s only begotten; the first fruits of heaven on earth. and as law abides to nationalism and to each citizen or servicemember abroad to never up hold law for personal reason or doubt; but to honor those who hold law greater than themselves and for the life of others retained.

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