Friday, June 29, 2018

The Sign the Center Minded

A Third Sight in Centered Above (consciousness)
the mysteries of tomorrow are held within a time to break open what was sealed from the beginning of time to be wiped away clean from existence, for what can happen will always happen when given a sign for a time that is given, for tomorrow to reveal itself unto a time that was given the sign.

Two-Edged Sword Tested (the rise and fall of kings)
the prophecy “two great kings unto each other shall fall apart and be taken from the last king to return.” the prophets foretold the kings unto this prophecy that it should never be released to anyone but themselves. and if held partial or heard by anyone but a king the words will be forbidden to speak and those who speak the words of this prophecy will surely be put to death for treason and insurrection. fourteen years backed up for a time that found someone to open this seal one hundred and fifty-four years later given to passerby that heard these words one thousand miles away without the wind of caution taken beside the prophecy that was given for grave consequences through dire straights. but as one who was chasing the wind and tale of assumption leading one way from the other that spoke these words of prophecy openly in a garden centered between these two kingdoms. and as fourteen guards entered into this garden they bowed to the freedom this was given for he had wisdom and many years trusted unto him that embraced every good host and garden that centered two kingdoms unto a sign that was given for two opened kings that were sealed for time and a time to its other to be heard and never spoken to for they were fourteen at one time but now have reached an age of a hundred and fifty-four to hear what was forbidden from anyone but a king to speak these words once upon a time. “two great kings unto each other shall fall apart and be taken from the last king to return.” and as two twin brothers were separated and given two twin kingdoms halved.

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