Friday, June 8, 2018

The Tears of Honey

the end of time corners four external gates of Heaven to exit and reenter four times; given four a time; to hold on to each others hand until the ends of time that cycles life through the hopes and fears of (Pandora’s Box) was re-gifted to the universe; as hand and marriage; as man and woman; as heaven and earth open up and swallowed the waters of truth and wisdom to be alike; foam that is spewed out from the waters, and in dispute to every good thing that can spoil will be spilled milk. to separate another in marriage is like separating the breath from the body; the farm and all it’s fields were destroyed and torn down during season. (commitment) life becomes out of balance without it’s better half or hand of marriage. marriage should not be taken lightly or altered by another yielding twice the measure. for those who knows to trust in God is to trust in wisdom and the marriage of His Prophet that can be preserved under the rivers of honey that spill from heaven unto trust and life that is given for two to complete their paths on track; guided beside narrow river of marriage that yields a wild branch of God.

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