Wednesday, July 4, 2018

First Fruits of Labor (140) years of Age

One Nation Under God (Golden Fruits)

My brother Richmond told me “always love your nation.” for what is prepared long ago was prepared for Us today as it was set long ago for a times return inside a third and a sixth heavenly firmament that was made to flesh and spirit heavenly fruits of my spirit to God ; speaking freely unto its own cherubim that was taken under a cave of dark architecture; that underworld and signature to every good hidden to knowledge and blueprint of God set aside from every transaction to every ground work marked in history; built up and outwards for a time taken; and a times return. if you dishonor yourself you also dishonor your country that gathers along the waters of God’s heart traceback unto a time civil to war. and if you understand the love of thy God and neighbor that’s in you. then you will also recite the level waters flowing under the belly and over a firmament that eats from the baking of two stone pies; the word of truth unto Gods creation; our heavenly body a written or recorded from life’s creation that was written as the neck of armor down to the clad of personnel spreading out from under the girdle of fresh springs of waters; the word of every beating heart spoken only to every pleasing word in spirit, text mill or clothing God’s existence that is stretching out from a fourth and fifth part of time; pulled up waywardly unto nostrils of God’s opening pathway as two pearls return the word of God that’s In Us, and in Him that has written all the books of life held brick to brick and cheek to cheek as the word of God that protects every first and second firmament from top to bottom of every mountain level and times accounted for to every textile; and scripture; written to man as a loan book of Gods manifestations; the moon; the stars; and the rains not known to man but only to God’s sacred heart that filled with hidden knowledge and fruits that follow closely behind one another unto the holy ghost or spirit to return.

Alamogordo, New Mexico (New Born)

the first garden was hidden deep inside a ram’s head seeking the knowledge two horns in charge. let there be two gardens keepers; two hands of God. let there be two horns; one was given to hymn and the others where given to her house of prayer. the second garden was hidden inside a war horse given two pearls of a hidden deep within the gates of wisdom for the passing in return unto the (Son of God) and shepherds keeper (Brawdo) that becomes the last and first return of all conditions to sewn through flesh and spear as I saw my mother get filled by the spirit of God the Mother; who will be sanctified in the spirit and through the spiritual realm of my wife and mother (curator and librarian) for the return of Jesus Christ; the Father of Heaven drawn upon my mothers hand; who is also my daughter (golden swallow) and shepherdess unto God, and child of God(brides maiden). two pearls where lifted into heaven as the highest firmament of return of Seth through Jesus Christ that’s given to God and daughter to be its spiritual growth from wife above and below.

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