Sunday, July 15, 2018

(Two Devils) Sons of Man vs Son of God (Sun God)

one man had the troubles and the worries of two men. while one man could never overcome in the spirit. the one who couldn't overcome would not see heaven on earth. but the other man who comprehends reasoning and doubt; opens a blind eye to the heavens of earth;  that worldly heaven on earth until one of them will overcome. but an open gate let in the hate mongers and forbidden guests into your garden the true origin of good and evil between a heathen church and a common heaven; without each other to stand against. and this house we will share under one roof, that should be repaired when your brother is working in the field alone. for this house could never fall while under repair. so i will shake the foundations of this earth to rule on its own. some will use their heart; the given rules without instruction. even the ones in the field speak in spirit. and when the beasts of the field heard the turmoil they gave an appointed time for a garden keeper to judge the earth; and open the gates of tomorrow. and when the repairman saw this he grew very angry to what was heard and seen, even the very sight of the garden angered him. as every seed and fruit of its garden were accounted for by God; the very garden we separated from the beginning was created by the word of God; that promise to every living creature; the embodiment of heaven; the incarnation and living god in spirit that follows; the hurt and blame of one man overcoming; and who can be trusted in due time when all wages must be paid in full or receive a mark at the end of a days garnish marked and held for time that is paid in full. and as one tries to repair the house without a hammer or nail; to blame each other for what he did on his own accord abiding by the law of truth. one day the repairman asks the gardens keeper for a loan; so the gardens keeper marked the hand of the repairman and if i had more then i would have given you more. and all i can give is this mark that knows  not when or what tomorrow brings. and as the man took the mark; he heard the lord follow the repairman back to the every roof and every house that belongs next to God with a comfortable silence of trust that can never be heard but through the heart and minds of spirituality; the law in heaven as it is on earth, a haunting spirit that never quenches its thirst for revenge. and the man wandered; if he would kill this worker he would have every penny spent by the end of the day. but the haunting went on and the man decided to kill this man who works in the garden so that suffering would end the day. without any taunts or spiritual attacks. for the first fruits of injustice must be placed upon the head of every enemy wounded to death must be placed in a field for a time to heal from our own conscience and from the spirit that guides you from heaven while saying"who declares war on God declares war in heaven." and that every day earned without justice becomes common for a thief to serve and abide but a common thief; he will accommodate your gold and value; alas the woman's gift of flight to whom are planning on making themselves rich must have fellowship and pay a pretty penny to learn from a good ol' friend indeed that has long been waiting; the ghost and heavenly past haunts him.

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