Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Skeleton Key Hole

under the guard of thought and rolling rock of Gibraltar given for a time(Zulu) and for the times balanced unto ground zero; that key of faith that has fallen off the edge of heaven; given for the last keys and grip to Key West (keys); Florida (key hole) and golden turn key placed in a mid eastern tumble made beside a skeleton key that was left inside its key hole given through the Mediterranean Sea flowing freely above the bridge of red muddy waters; where Moses returned the Red Sea flowing up rivers and down through the Gates to Angels falling forever into heaven.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

The Gates of Peace
the last universe is the same as the first; protected by God and His Angels at the gates that only God has the keys to open and close. and for who is the shepherd and the protectorate of God can only do so in spirit.

The Freedom of God's Return
let Christ be your guide and let God your Father who is Jesus to be your gates of heaven that opens from inside of Me who is Christian and a servant of God. i have been given the keys to the Gate's of Hell and a time that takes hold of these gates taken for three to separate and then return under the heaven's array to be as to one above and below for a night of God's return fast asleep or taken by the first piper too early. but two remained behind for the heavens taken through the will of God that receives the first and last garden together under every nation and city that are able to sing a new song given to a new heaven that gathers the saint and the return of heaven to the final days of Her day flooding the airs with freedom to ring the ears of a generation taken to be a time and times resting up to a higher purpose for serving of the fathers in heaven to speed up the days of it's renewal(return) that is taken beside the big boom theory yielding a starting place for freedom to ring out loud and sharpens every sword of fire under it's blade.