Wednesday, March 14, 2018

King Kushoeba and Christopher Christian

it was a quarter past midnight as the two Dragon's greet each other from a new dawn and age to be alike in all ways given to the right path of God that is given two Draco Negro and Draco De La Luz to be the underworld gate to Heaven on Earth. as one leaves the other will follow unto one and a swallow to be given duel Kingdoms of God and reason before the Most High.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

King Kushoeba
one night i saw distant lights above that looked like a white dragon flying in circles. platinum dragon flying circles. the young King Kushoeba came in Spirit to my front door. i felt uneasy so i told him to go around to the backyard, but he was quite persistent about coming thru the front and as we start to pass my son Ronin’s room he appears and announces: “there’s the king” as he points to my son after that we preceded towards the backyard and as we get to my room where the back door is my son enters which surprised me because he was just in his room. the young King who was from Africa but now falls from Heaven on Earth from another planet and He enters with a friend: King Chris from the same upper chamber filled unto that lord that has also was prepared for a Godly chamber for Him on this day of return with His child born of the light and Immaculate Conception.