Friday, April 20, 2018

The Gates of Jacob Muhammad

the darkness of heaven's reversal is the two blessings that reach unto a garden at the same time together as the other one does but God is the only direction towards the light and flare of two images that shares the same time inside the harmony and a melody that changes every song to each heaven and then extends it as a time taken under the sun or black star that is taken without a moon and a time under the moon's view thats hurled over the last return of a darkened sky that is hurled under the world and over the gardens that welcome the last and first return made from heaven's magical staff that heals every head and time that enters from the third Eye of God's blessing at heart that returns without a time from under its own but a season that is measured to a feather and the passing of the ancient she camel that had 16 feet and 7 heads and two moons under a 16 foot caravan that is hidden for the night that is given to her daughters that wait for this last caravan to drink from their well and as the caravan starts to depart into the evening the women take off the head gown and glance back at the newcomers from under the veil of God's moonlight that shows their complection from the waters of a warm morning for the new welcomed guest that was lead to this well that is spent together very briefly to reveal the others heart with a soft whisper of her lips in honey tasted for eternity and  a time that is shared closely together under one caravan under Jacob's Ladder that is now built thrice the length of the first upon three measurements that hold the scales of heaven upon her pillow and as she awakens a new caravan that want to follow this she camel is now 28 feet behind the front holding up 13 heads that follow two moons into the cave of preservation that has 3 fruits that were left behind 400 years ago and for each fruit there is 500 years of passage that is separated for two seasons and three marriages under one heaven to rest until a time is given to the seasons salt of return and the spice taken for tomorrow's merchants that hide in the back of roads as well as to the front of the morning and evening stars path unto the gate of Temujin's 15th sun.

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