Friday, April 20, 2018

Seven Churches and Seven Lawful Wives

to see all the cities of this earth Heaven becomes the wind and breath of God that Clouds all thought and the first beasts of the field were Saturn's Universal Grenader 7ft tall and the first Angels of Satan that returned back to earth in the year of 1994 as seven clouds that represent seven angels of high tech information that is stored away unto the highest places of heaven's two firmaments that follow the waters that escort seven prostitutes under seven cities of gold and then tells their wives to gather the mass unto seven whoredoms who are seven Idols that gather to the abode under seven churches that are taken away into the clouds above and then resealed to seven gardens that represent; seven times seven and seven times given away to the kingdom of seven golden idols that were separated seven times ahead before and after it was taken a mountain top where three eastern gates open to the flight of every thought to its leaping of faith that transformed into a fiery phoenix and a sun that glides down the seventh gate where the indian wells or bowls of God's wrath that is held for the very last of times being held under the watery cemetery of God's past that flows freely upwards into heaven as it was before the day ending to be given for its return through San Agustin's mountain pass hidden under a night time that helped god carry his cross from San Simon, Cochise County, Arizona to Las Cruces New Mexico that returns with a head that was healed and the voice of the lamb that speaks the word in the holy spirit under seven tongues in God's spirit; that's yielding seven storms above the bosom of monsoon season that gathers seven midwives who were lifted out the waters of seven seas that clash hereto seven gods of thunders with the fires of truth and the spirit of lightning that was casted up from earth into clouds as its first love unto the church of heaven directed down to earth's ground for a time and a time that is quickened by the light and flight of God's path and chosen gate of an idol that is separated to know the hidden ways and truth of God's sacred heart. "and the the blessing to all those who believe in Me and in the heavens that must pass and be given to a host that will be the trusting hand of a shepherd and a time for prophecy to be fulfilled."~Jesus that is given to a measure and guilt by the blood of their hands who bring hate of every religion that stands accused by the works given by those who say they are gods seed but fell along time ago by the wayside of God's childrens who has done good in the eyes of our Lord as all prophecy has now been fulfilled for our time.

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