Friday, April 13, 2018

The Prophet X

Mr. Farrakhan; God’s day in the sun and earth’s chosen; Son of Man taken for an echo that is returned beside the Honorable Elisha Muhammad; Heaven’s chosen; God the Son and the word that stretched out two sides of one sky and and heavenly body within a golden fleece that is passed on to what was said and done under the eyes of God’s Heaven reaching out upon the will and honor of all good thing in God and in us liken to God’s kingdom that returns into onto one as it was yesterday; healing the gift of freedom through our constitutional yields of grass and fibers strained that is received for a blessing of God’s eternal fire(Anti Christ) that rains over the lands and rivers under the will of God’s waters taken for the next to return under God as the last five were awaiting their sheepfold to grain five daughters were introduced to the five shepherds passing by with God’s brick and cornerstone found within the Mount of Kilimanjaro taken from the last Kingdom of God’s river that returned with Zion.

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