Friday, April 13, 2018

The Return of the Garden

in the return becomes a great star that is given to all viewing eyes everywhere in the heavens above as below becomes the base of our pyramid and the hand of God that is given for every gate keeper in the gardens thereof. and now the the two can be seen from for a miracle's mile laid down to two feet in water and the first and last step being the miracle mile separated time that carried away unto the next Heaven that return for another time that was next one who stood in the gate's of heaven and by the rivers of Babylon that flow freely from the mountain of Zion that that returns the children of Ethiopia on each wing and from inside of the winds inhaled by our thoughts to return within our hearts that speak as a blade to be drawn by the quickening sword and spirit that is holy and true to speak in the tongues that allows God to speak in every land and nation under God hueing the Holy Ghost and image of our Mothers through the eye of the beholder that is lifted on the back of it's gate as we are the last and the first step in a long wind of breath singing the songs of our Lord and all the Apostles who have pulled a brick from the rivers of her heaven that is drawn to and from a time seen in the night sky to as her gentle sway closes and reopens the night upon the gates of God's children entering from a strange land that is yielding spoken tongues of Heaven to be heard everywhere and the water became the mediation of her true wisdom seen as a whirling pool that swallowed both Poseidon and Athena through the firmament for each others side under the column and shelve in marriage and lord said "tonight heaven will open it's gate and the western winds will draw in a third of heaven to be given for her couple and a time beside the rivers of the underworld touching each root of a serpents tree that now bares the fruit and a time returned from everywhere in captivity to that is now under the wing of God's flight unto a supper table prepared for this day's returned.


Athenic said...

Father and Mother of Kharon
MARCH 22, 2017 ~ ATHENIC
the spider of little faith of thought casted out from the womb and light covering the cave helping man from the hidden times asleep then awakened through heavens heart and the needle falling into capture as a reversing light as a trust and image given to the seas of Her husband who are through to be as one in spirit and marriage of the abyss above and below the waters of the deep leviathans that rises and falls only to love.

Athenic said...

from a King’s Ship to a ferryman of the night named Kharon who was drawn upon the waters and its firmament as the ram and head of the ship that changes to a head of a goat with horns and then reborn into the lamb of heaven or from the earth stillborn from a creel of water to flesh and spirit reborn, bought and sold from a Mark that was lost but found by the Hand of God.