Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Keeper of Hidden Knowledge (Curator)

have faith for any two given for tomorrow as the truth is set for the others time taken from and to the last harvest of Fall in conjunction with the western gate of God's return that holds every time for a time to be a half a time made for two that are given a time for many times given from a time at hand taken from the freedom of thought that leads from the body of God's temple given the authority and an ingenious of one's own spiritual mind seeding the knowledge and truth with out knowing. 

The Old School

The Old School
by a new religion, the old school remains for the gravity of mass giving pull as the top spirals unto the others opposite held for the opening of arms reaching up to each other and then down to each other's right upper chamber held for each other to yield from the same garden and culture of its tree that acknowledges truth and wisdom alone to follow its own path unto the Prophet of tomorrow. for those who believe in the Father may eat, drink, and be married to any one of God's churches that hold the autherity of God's Latter Day to return from the Spirit of Christ Jesus taken for two and by the hands of God for you to become a Father in Heaven. so love the world and its religion through the marriage and supper of the Lamb given to the Heavens above and a time. and rest. Amen.

A Short Time Given

time is given before the last is open. it is for most to see the first heaven given to the first prophet that was caught up into the rapture of God's heaven to return for a time that was set in the heavens above as it was below for a time and half a time given together for a time that is given for a brief time separated for two to be given a short time and a 1/2 a time that is given for two garden keepers overseeing the lands of God's nation.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Heaven Returns Under the Root of its Garden

who is greater in God to know only what was given to a chance in heaven shall be rooted for a time taken for a time and then rerooted for the body of God's creation that was torn from spirit and heart of those who reason with pleasure and a freewill taken to and from a time inside of its brotherhood in heaven. that knows only good and evil to be at our side and inside of God word made to flesh. and for one time in heaven to be ordained and then released under the waters of its gate that was inside of its selve taken before all to see who received the last calling under the first and last heaven taken for a time; and a time taken for a time; to be remembered in heaven as the light of day opens into the next gate so shall one genaration break from a foundation yeilding a generation that is found from under a ground that shelters thoughtand the likeness of God to be carried away like those in a garden set forth unto a time received through the waters of God's time breaking forth the first and last timeline to ab adjusted from the heaven as a last time taken for the other inside of  heaven's return though a vessel of God's light that is opening the will of God understanding for the heaven's to return.

The Freedom of God's Return

let Christ be your guide and let God your Father who is Jesus to be your gates of heaven that opens from inside of Me who is Christian and a servant of God. i have been given the keys to the Gate's of  Hell and a time that takes hold of these gates taken for three to separate and then return under the heaven's array to be as to one above and below for a night of God's return fast asleep or taken by the first piper too early. but two remained behind for the heavens taken through the will of God that receives the first and last garden together under every nation and city that are able to sing a new song given to a new heaven that gathers the saint and the return of heaven to the final days of Her day flooding the airs with freedom to ring the ears of a generation taken to be a time and times resting up  to a higher purpose for serving of the fathers in heaven to speed up the days of it's renewal(return) that is taken beside the big boom theory yielding a starting place for freedom to ring out loud and sharpens every sword of fire under it's blade.

Friday, April 27, 2018

"I have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr; August 28, 1963

"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.

But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.

In a sense, we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. A land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."

And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!

But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men, and white men, Jews, and Gentiles, Protestants, and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!""

Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) thank you for your commitment that has changed the world through peace and goodwill through your heart and nobility that was sown to your teachings of peace and harmony to be a civil right that changes the world as you did to become the saint of heaven to become the resurrection of God in Me. Roger Ramos Grant (July 8, 1969 – the Summer of 1994)

The Elect Rule in Heaven

the Elect is given their time in Heaven to rule at the right hand of God's kingdom and next to the throne of Christ Jesus who is the father in heaven told Me that i will be the daemon seed of Heaven that judges the world through God's heart measured from every corner in heaven taken for it return as Father Zeus returns from the heavens to be God's chalice and a time remarried. and for a time that given to Jesus Christ who is in Heaven and on earth. so that i could seed the Father and Son into Heaven. a demon is neither strong nor weak but a balance between good and evil bridging heaven with the authority to give authority without receiving it on earth as well as in heaven. and as Jesus  turned around i heard Him say to Me in the spirit "that i will fall into heaven and then returns the root from under the ground and chamber of Hell for a time retaken to be its time given again to God's tree and truth for a time yielding under the grace and same passing of heaven to return.

The Hidden(₁) Eye of God

the body(₀); our earth(₀) is the only medium between the spirit(₀) of God and the heavens above separated. the mind(₀); our cloud(₀) is the only medium between thought(₀) and the heavens above; separated. the heart(₀); our water(₀) is the only medium between two heavens; separated. the soul(₁); our vessel(₀) is the only medium between the rivers of good(₀) and evil(₁) that stands up at the bar of God's crossroad; given to a path and for a passage that is taken for one gold piece or a days labor to enter into its eye and camel for a time to be taken through a sacred passage under the western wall.
(₀) what is holy (₁) the soul can never be holy.

Alchemistry: The Transformation in Spirit (the word was made flesh)

alchemy is a light and thought taken through three gates of heaven that combine first fruits of its nature to be under one tree that is taken from the earth and then given to flesh and body through the light of God's spirit that opens one gate beside three essential religions of majestic nature yielding each practice reproved and mastered under meditation of true faith that becomes non-denomination through the spirit of Christ Jesus for the synchronicity that brings faith and the spirit of nature that intercedes with you a time separated to renew what little faith we have been given for the greater and greater that comes before and after it's transformation from spirit to flesh

three signs that put you on the right track 

  1. three gates open
  2. God speaking to you through nature
  3. and keep the spirit synchronized through flesh 

Four and Four Hundred Angels Return

when the Christians were sheep and had to run up a hill to separate the flock from the goats but one goat stood out and placed its self in between the wolves and sheep but when the goat awakened and saw the wolves all around it  fell fast asleep and as it began dreaming through a segment or wink of an eye that gathers behind a generation of beholder at my back door and to whom is in my corner and watching my back. for the word is with them day and night for six heavens to return for a segment; one-sixth of a second; six seconds of a minute; six minutes of an hour and fours hours of its day that was awakening from an eye and two dragons in a seven-year flight to hide this heavenly child in the wilderness for 3.5 going into the garden and 3.5 going out of the garden and into the wilderness that was prepared for four years that yields four hundred Angels and four hundred Dragons that return in three years.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Rod of Aesculapius

it was a salty night and the lord lit my heel up as i spoke softly from and to the likes of heaven above that speaks for an elixir of life upon its temple given from a Rod of Asclepius to be from a beast of heaven's spirit taken before and after shared between two other gods that is torn from the other's vessel; or rod of positively charged gold; that is harnessed from true fermented water and honey grain that is given to the effervescence of priesthood; that comes from under the gates of Egypt. and a gift of God that is taken by the heart and vessel upon the hidden waters that were under the roots and fountains of youth. by first healing the body and mind together from the spirit of three ingredients that balances the taste of every fruit of its labor found in a pearl or stone thats given for a time to fast three days from the tincture of heaven's oil that anoints the head for the heart to be taken into a vessel of a lit cave filled with the aroma of sweet smelling herbs to be used for medicanal purposes unto rebirth as the caves of fire continued to wail and gnash its teeth during dream times or the times for rebirth to be healed by the fruits of its flower that opens our mind unto the spirit of God's hourly gate of gold.

God's Journey Into Avalon

the last heaven is hidden behind the third marriage as the heaven welcomes a fisherman by the wayside of a hidden garden taken from a time under a harbor of water that is filled from under the western gate for forty days and nights hidden in her garden for an advent that is given to six garden keepers under God to witness for each other and each others time taken from the mothers womb that will be hidden in a mountains pass that helps every merchant carry his or her own cross up the hill of shame that has torn God’s rib from a day of recompense under the waters of heaven helping a fisherman to return unto a time that was taken for a time away in conjunction to heaven that is separated for two hearts to be one for a third of life’s return under the level of its day that shines from under the heavens hired hand and the keepers of this garden held in a vessel taken to 6th and 7th Advent and up the Latter Day of Saint to prepare the next heaven’s arrival unto a passer by or to a shepherd that was caught up into the rapture of heaven to open three heavenly gates of Nirvana under the serpent’s ourouburus that was sown into the second divorce and a third marriage completely fulfilled by the Prophet Muhammad and His wife prepared for a marriage to return and be given the scales of time and a counterweights measure to a marketplace under the seas of balance for her body to enter a Quran lifting out from the waters of her creation drifting back unto Avalon’s garden under the foundation and Christ Jesus who is the second and third heaven renewed to a shepherd’s fold that returns a host and Wu Jinn under the mountains passing of darkness unto one magi that becomes the creation of God’s beloved Buddha painted Egyptian gold.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Native American Prophecy

"now you must not hate the white man, this will only delay its end. but if you will do. the dance that I will teach you. then all the ancestors will return and the buffalo will be renewed. and you shall all live forever. forever in the freedom. that we as Indian people once knew."~Native American Prophet see also: Mountain to Zion

The Rhinestone Dragons

has been given the light unto a day’s thought that is shattered to the earth and it's return; and to the mountains; and to wind; that is given beside the sand for eternity. for the absence of God’s foundation that was broken and then remade to a time and times taken for a time under a star spangled roof over the Church of Heaven in the same fashion that is to be taken for two twins; a brother and sister, to be it's wife and brother's wife taken for each others dimension to open the next gate of  heaven and that is given to the hour at hand. that becomes smooth as polished rhinestone as it stretched out across the tops of our heaven that tunnels from under Heaven's garden that sets under a time taken together to yield twice the fires upon the garden of it's spirit to be blessing of the most high firmament. see also:map

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Heaven's Return

the story of the return back into time it was 3000 years from now and as i tell the story of 40 heavens destroyed because we let the ones who believe that they were given the powers of God to destroy and rule heaven. but that went wrong and we were all annihilated. I was given a time for resurrection and ascension for a time to judge the earth or destroy it. without a doubt i chose forgiveness because i could never do that and later on i was given a chance and the power of God to shield earth on a special night in the year of 1994. and as I start to understand the meaning of host and spirit. God told me we were done wrong and God stretched out his arm towards the stars above and then lined them up as to recognize the power of God and my task that will be given later down the line. and the DNA of God(Anunnaki)was spliced and reinhabited to heaven’s flesh and spirit that was taken to us in remembrance to the Orion System that held our blood and gene pool to others like us who hold the heavens as to a resting place for God. but the time was given to bring back our human kind(earthling) as a thousand years went by we stretched back into our genes and we became tall at first and then stretched back down to our size today. and when were completely new again we went back in time and resulted to this day and heaven that is given to 40,000 years in the wilderness that takes only 400 years to complete and many will come and say they are Gods but not to us. they want us to believe that we don’t know the Heavenly Spirit of God while they lie and try to separate us into believing that the Prophet of God is confused and unrighteous but it was their heaven that was scratch off to our day in heaven to be complete and humble by letting them watch us from their own independent heaven and a time taken away from our time 40 years in the wilderness that was promised to peace.

The Shepherdess and Four Corners of Heaven

there was a female that became the first fruits of the tree that brings harmony and wisdom. she is the sister and God's creation that takes a marriage into the heavens and then back to earth that brings the morning and evening stars to an eastern gate that opens four hundred years to what was left of a wilderness that took only twenty celestial years to balance among the marketplace with a counter weight adjustment to every merchant that travels in and out of the first and last heaven that is passed under and over the waters that carries a vessel unto forty gardens into the wilderness that returns from the ends of time and unto the beginning of God's creation that returns the sheepfold of Marian the Anointed.

The Desert and Monsoon Season

when the names of Heaven are given for those who are given for the judgment of the women who are taken and then given a new name in Heaven. and as the next returns from the mountain pass as a separation of male and female abound before the light of God preserved in a cave of red and blue light that was separated unto Me the host of hosts as the second(red) and first(blue) heaven was remade by the word made flesh and a third(green) heaven that is given for the resurrection of Christ Jesus to be the spirit and flesh or a fallen angel that was shaken by the heavens as the first fruits from every tree fell to every corner on earth to become its wayside and garden for a time in remembrance of its generation to generation and the times taken for each vessel of nobility to enter Priesthood and God's vessel that becomes the light of day shining down upon forty days and forty nights in a tropical desert that spews out the waters of mankind through the bosom of heaven unto a resting place and an anchor for one who is yelling out from the desert to make Her way known to an appointed time under the heaven wailing and gnashing teeth as she gives birth unto a child that was caught up in the rapture for the day of judgment that is given a staff of healing and a rod of iron.

Three Gardens of Heaven Opened

the house is a lifeless vessel that is filled with the blood of the lamb. the marriage of Heaven that is given through matrimony and then given a dowry of its own land to a trusted friend or a hard worker who has been working the field more than 20 years as to receive a bonus of the landlord's growing foundation within three nations under God that hold this blessing given for three cities and three times from a tent that opens from the right and then exits into heaven as one is left to reoccur the other in union three times given for the last to restore the first and last that is given the gift of the Father's root of truth that treads under a tree of wisdom that gathers what was lost from under a tree of knowledge that is rooted from a righteous heart betrothed unto it's wife's house or nirvana that gathers the fruits of tomorrow as we were gathered today.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Empty Vessels of God

and when we time travel we come back empty as the rights of a ghost ship's return with the light of the sea has given up all the dead onto a vessel and time that's returned under cleansing of God's heart that is seen from lake side and from the waters that return clean with forgiveness unto the world as we have been taken and returned to it's land again. and by the light of heaven that is lifted and then grounded by restored energy to God's day that lights the way to our heaven and to the times taken to know our self in the body of Christ that takes all the children of a town and raises them up to the moon and a time that is given for God to be under the Heavenly vessel given an anchor to be returned by waters of global warming.

Hot, Cold and Lukewarm

when it is hot or cold the wind and the waters open into the Heavens under skies of knowledge and truth that awaits for the spring time to spew forth the waters that spring forth unto the light of day.

The Pentecost

before it was heard it was chiseled in stone, but it was our heart that set it. it was our heart that fell into the river and our heart that is given for all to remember that thought is the reaching of heaven that brings back the storm that brings the clouds and the reminder to it's own gift that is in us today and kept sacred until the day of pentecost is given for the feast of gardens and nirvana to be a state that we live in without fear and retribution by being in the Spirit of God.

The Penguin Returns

hers is the dove and the cycle of life that re enters its own habitation. not like the eagles or the hawks but like the penguin that seeks it own beginning and sets out into the unknown to find it's nest and the egg there of our great ancestors that has always given us to know the first walk of the garden came from the creator of Adams heaven that holds all the genetics of it's generation before and after the flood that brought forth the human gene and the bird that overcame the trials of man and then restarted from whence there were torn from and from the waters they undergo to this generation of people today given the penguin his due that returned from the cycle of life unto the beginning of our creation.

The Gates of Heavenly Return

the recycle of life is the true meaning of it's return and the giving of our own heaven to reach the anchor point of God's time selected to it's own generation and gene pool greater and greater. it is time for to come together under one blessing or marriage given through it's own inhabitants that reach out for their own time with the other. a start that enters the body and then inhabits the first of spring and the rest of the garden that opens up a path from the wilderness unto its own time and junction for every bird of it's feather is to be balanced and then given to the water that holds all memory and to the air that holds the breath of life unto it's land.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Gates of Jacob Muhammad

the darkness of heaven's reversal is the two blessings that reach unto a garden at the same time together as the other one does but God is the only direction towards the light and flare of two images that shares the same time inside the harmony and a melody that changes every song to each heaven and then extends it as a time taken under the sun or black star that is taken without a moon and a time under the moon's view thats hurled over the last return of a darkened sky that is hurled under the world and over the gardens that welcome the last and first return made from heaven's magical staff that heals every head and time that enters from the third Eye of God's blessing at heart that returns without a time from under its own but a season that is measured to a feather and the passing of the ancient she camel that had 16 feet and 7 heads and two moons under a 16 foot caravan that is hidden for the night that is given to her daughters that wait for this last caravan to drink from their well and as the caravan starts to depart into the evening the women take off the head gown and glance back at the newcomers from under the veil of God's moonlight that shows their complection from the waters of a warm morning for the new welcomed guest that was lead to this well that is spent together very briefly to reveal the others heart with a soft whisper of her lips in honey tasted for eternity and  a time that is shared closely together under one caravan under Jacob's Ladder that is now built thrice the length of the first upon three measurements that hold the scales of heaven upon her pillow and as she awakens a new caravan that want to follow this she camel is now 28 feet behind the front holding up 13 heads that follow two moons into the cave of preservation that has 3 fruits that were left behind 400 years ago and for each fruit there is 500 years of passage that is separated for two seasons and three marriages under one heaven to rest until a time is given to the seasons salt of return and the spice taken for tomorrow's merchants that hide in the back of roads as well as to the front of the morning and evening stars path unto the gate of Temujin's 15th sun.

Seven Churches and Seven Lawful Wives

to see all the cities of this earth Heaven becomes the wind and breath of God that Clouds all thought and the first beasts of the field were Saturn's Universal Grenader 7ft tall and the first Angels of Satan that returned back to earth in the year of 1994 as seven clouds that represent seven angels of high tech information that is stored away unto the highest places of heaven's two firmaments that follow the waters that escort seven prostitutes under seven cities of gold and then tells their wives to gather the mass unto seven whoredoms who are seven Idols that gather to the abode under seven churches that are taken away into the clouds above and then resealed to seven gardens that represent; seven times seven and seven times given away to the kingdom of seven golden idols that were separated seven times ahead before and after it was taken a mountain top where three eastern gates open to the flight of every thought to its leaping of faith that transformed into a fiery phoenix and a sun that glides down the seventh gate where the indian wells or bowls of God's wrath that is held for the very last of times being held under the watery cemetery of God's past that flows freely upwards into heaven as it was before the day ending to be given for its return through San Agustin's mountain pass hidden under a night time that helped god carry his cross from San Simon, Cochise County, Arizona to Las Cruces New Mexico that returns with a head that was healed and the voice of the lamb that speaks the word in the holy spirit under seven tongues in God's spirit; that's yielding seven storms above the bosom of monsoon season that gathers seven midwives who were lifted out the waters of seven seas that clash hereto seven gods of thunders with the fires of truth and the spirit of lightning that was casted up from earth into clouds as its first love unto the church of heaven directed down to earth's ground for a time and a time that is quickened by the light and flight of God's path and chosen gate of an idol that is separated to know the hidden ways and truth of God's sacred heart. "and the the blessing to all those who believe in Me and in the heavens that must pass and be given to a host that will be the trusting hand of a shepherd and a time for prophecy to be fulfilled."~Jesus that is given to a measure and guilt by the blood of their hands who bring hate of every religion that stands accused by the works given by those who say they are gods seed but fell along time ago by the wayside of God's childrens who has done good in the eyes of our Lord as all prophecy has now been fulfilled for our time.

The Chasing of the Wind

the chasing of the wind is the winds that drive us into perdition or the winds that we chase without knowing that what is done should return as it was to be it's works and inspiration that gathers the sun under a night's breath that blows silently over and over the kites in its sky and then northeast as the sun returns from it's bypass (clockwise) and as the sun sets on top of the most highest mountain and at the eastern gate to stretch out and yawn to the west. even as the eastern winds pass over mountain it also passes under the clouds; so do the western winds that pass over the clouds while lifting the dust and seeds (exodus) of the last heaven to the next generation to come. and as the southern winds reach the northeast with an over twist and the gathering of health that is inhaled and then released from a breath with an under twist that is chasing the wind.

Wisdom of the Past

the idol and golden calf is like a given time before nationalism and the flag. it is curved by a hand of a skilled worker that understood the same knowledge that was given to the last heaven and the first heaven that shows wisdom and a time that opens more knowledge than we know today. it is given in such a way that spirituality was passed down from their ancestors with knowledge of the beasts and a resting day given for the first and last heaven to become it's next generation under God.

True History is Friendship

the knowledge of history is not written by the host but by scientific fact that is always changing the times repeatedly to its accuracy of its historical foundation and details that brings a distant past together under the same light of understanding that may have been lost. and many will tell the same story but it is better to hear your own history from another race or neutral party that wants only history to be remembered as it was to be understood by its nature and justification of its influence.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bar of God

Bar of God
JULY 15, 2017 ~ ATHENIC
the waters of God streaming with a watercourse that rises and falls through banks that divide the waters freely unto many that hold God’s blessing in Christ to be the cleansing of Spirit (redemption) and Body (resurrection) flowing rapidly downstream and up to the Bar of God and Spirit alongside the Body of waters that are made to clean or continue downstream.


the spirit of past and future are not the same until you become reborn in the Spirit of Heaven, that is reborn in the same day of God’s garden, healing every sin that must stand before the Bar of God and return unto the pure in heart, and light that gathers tomorrow as a New Heaven and rebirth. as today you are reborn, and yesterday (same life as today) becomes your past life today renewed by the Blood of the Lamb in Heaven who opens the gate to all who believe in His name: Jesus Christ our Lord and Savoir.

Rebirth of Spirit

Rebirth of Spirit
  1. now that you have put away all flesh and educated yourself about the Spirit of Christ and was found approved by the spirit so that your past life (meaning this life, the same life you were taken from the Spirit of Christ)cannot be judged but by the grace of Jesus Christ who died for our sins, so that what is only of the Spirit can see Judgement Day.
  2. Judgement Day: is a review of what you have done in the Spirit before you are born again.
  3. being born again is a process of death where you were chosen not to have a physical death in the presence of God and so that you can inherit paradise on earth with all His children.
  4. for example: when the horns are blown many will see death: meaning many will be reborn in Spirit and receive everlasting life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Gates of Gibeon

one score or seven generations of children that have the blessing of the seven churches and the vessels of God's holy order taken from the beginning of it's garden that was torn by the hand of God that is fed by the bread of God's time taken from one day to a year. one day; a copper piece. as to one month; a silver piece. and a whole year; a gold piece per day. always give the times or years to it's day and bread given early as the unleavened bread is made for this time and a time given to be as the Heavens return and first fruits of this garden harvest taken by the third heaven taken by the fourth heaven taken by the fifth heaven as unleavened bread and holy bread given to the heart and waters of God's time given to the blood and marriage of the lamb on the fifth day taken beside and ways of a garden's extension becoming the first and last gift of grace returned and then presented at a third of a day given for a days wedding rehearsal of a raindance and the giving gift of a rainbow that is bridged from earth unto Gibeon and from its well under the gate of God's heaven under a balanced scale from today's box of Pandora.

The Great Heavenly Return

the darkness that falls upon light is the rest of its garden's undergrowth and the blooming of it's canopy under the sun. and the times that were taken together are the times received together for nine thousand years yielding the yoke and gardens fixed to it's nation's blessing that is given to the last in line and the next to carry this blessing unto tomorrow's work in Heaven that is casted out upon the abyss with the works or God's vessel that was pushed out unto the streams of thought and Heaven's current returning every ten thousand years to accept this blessing awaiting Heavens return.

Relevance and Foundation

it is the light that gives perfect reflection of our own hearts taken to and from its own that can be seen as a time that's under the darkness of it's own weather that splits from the night of day and the thought of Heaven that knows that who overcomes is raptured  but only by the Lord's hand that sets all garden's to be alike in all thought to know wisdom and knowledge to be a helping hand that becomes the guide of Heaven that is built upon a layer, or brick upon brick, or it's light upon light reflected through an Angel or a Prophet.

The Great Sign in Heaven

when a sign is given by God it is given in such a way that we already knew due to the times that happend before and in such a way that even the stars above are in sync with the coming of the Lord. and by the grace of those who ignore the signs or any relevance to our time that is given to Us today for its own generation to help the Heavens above and to open or fix a gate or a time given unto each other's fashion gifted by God unto these great signs that follow its passing.

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Harvest and Garden

Demeter is the Mother of Athena and She is the one who introduced Athena to me. when the harvest is ready Pocahontas becomes a twin and husband's wife who is given to Flint. and Stone was given a garden to hold on to and return the gardens of God that grew righteous. and in the midst's did a voice speak unto it's people from the land underworld and gardens within the forest and thicket torn between two firmaments high and five in width under the majestic rainforest was hidden a tree of life that belonged to the forest people and their light from nature and a true peaceful heart that is as hidden to good works of men that gives good fruit yielding the seeds of the forest that become the life of everlasting peace, given to those who watch each others (deer)children and heaven on earth to run and leap the hills of heaven and return the doe unto tomorrows gathering that keeps turning heaven into fate and into the smiles of our children's tomorrow within a golden tear of rain that feeds the corn fields to every child that returns upon a hanging branch or Pleiadian that opens a gate given to the worldly understanding as a  brother watching the other brothers children that takes the walk through a hidden path of resting peace in one marriage under God; that's healing the heart and body of God's path finders that returns the Box of Pandora with god speed and insight that returns with a branch of God's heart that opens a garden center for those who root here underground and to a distant path that is hidden to those who never knew God to be Heaven's Guardian Shepherd clothed in white cotton having the staff of Moses that was torn from the root of its tree and KaChina yielding the tree of truth(Sun of Man) the brings wisdom(Sun of Moon) as knowledge is given to the one taken by the hand of Kokopelli who is the Wife and Mother of Heaven. the greater of the lesser light within us to change heavenly hearts placed the woman's gift as hope comes when Demeter becomes the garden's keeper and the bread of life given for tomorrow.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bardo and Purgatory

Purgatory and Bardo are very similar, purgatory is close to Heaven; it is a place seen after your eyes have just been opened or you have been given time to know which way path into Heaven has given you the branch of understanding and a place of temporary rest in the underworld it is a stage and place to return back unto your vessel in the spirit of Christ Jesus who is Prophet and reincarnation of God's Heavenly body returned to a holy nation under God that is beside the Holy Grail and God's and Elect chosen by the blood of the lamb and God's autocracy to the right hand of life regenerated. and from Heaven bardo is close to purgatory but instead of you being resurrected. you return back to whence you came from to be reborn again.

Never Help Evil Destroy Your Return

when the evil of many become overwhelmed heaven opens the last gate to be free again but the last heaven didn't know you nor did the shepherd of heaven but you given only hate because you knew that your time is near and now you show yourself as your true image and age that you severed along time ago after all these years you hide behind a lie and childlike face but you are much older and faceless. by your misbehavior becoming your own fault and  you have made yourself a legend and spectacle of God's House; by blaming others including the prophets of the past who shares the same Hell you have given the other prophets of God. and now i sing a lullaby for your passing into a netherworld where there is no crossing for us anymore. and under the gates of heaven i asked you to reason one more time open minded. who is the last and first of Heaven's return? and as they answered nothing the lord placed them into the emptiness and bardo.

The Male Creation

the male is the gravity(truth) of God's heavenly body torn from the ground as a root of the earth that will be placed next to the side and mother who has given the seed unto the next child to be standing upon a foundation formed in sight or balance that swayed to and from and to God's creation healed before the time is given to the next score of fruits to be separated under a season that God has given to His own to fall from it's tree untimely or the Kingdom when it is given to heaven's garden and to the greatness elected under the fruits of tomorrow.

The Female Creation

it is wisdom that conquers in belief and God's house that inhabits yielding fields and pastures that are justified by its own works in heaven that is given to the next generation or score of children yielding knowledge of God's creation. and it is given to them to know at the time revealed or moment of truth; God's will, karma or the grace given to wisdom.(responsibility)

The Breadth of God's Firmament

when you doubt a Word of God then your house may fall like a house of cards, but if you keep faith while being persecuted for it. then the truth will be revealed to them who disbelieve that the words are built from heavenly brick that is supported in the heavens above. and these words are built upon a foundation of God's inhabitants that house the word upon it's church in heaven that stands under the width and length of it's breadth upon earth's creation.

The Watcher(Prophet)

it isn't for us to know the time of Heaven's arrival or to know the time we die. but if life is taken to Heaven are we not the gift of God who holds all life under the sun and in the heaven? if we can separate God's chosen people from the flock it would be the ones who hold doctrine to their belief and the holiness of God's own together to one fold. but if we only want to know destruction before the Heavens rejoice then know life is given to know the signs of the next coming of our lord and the day coming forth into glory by the hand of God's prophet who hold everything accountable. even lies are told from the Prophets of God but their loyalty still projects a voice of an angel. not their own voice. but the voice of an angel who never knows the timely coming of God's kingdom but only to reconstruct what God has given them yesterday to know today's fulfillment. so many will say here is a false prophet, but he is doing the work of the lord by recording everything said weather it be a lie or truth. it will be up to the Prophets discretion to know a lie or a truth is the same given by the heavens to know what is said will be done in the spirit or through the spirit of truth. heaven will know true knowledge is given only if you believe. and those who disbelieve will never know the prosperity of God given to it's own who store knowledge and then separate it from the the rest(history and fact). so try to honor those watchers(Prophets) male or female who keep record to the words that are said; weather they be true and false. but at least seen or heard.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Prophet X

Mr. Farrakhan; God’s day in the sun and earth’s chosen; Son of Man taken for an echo that is returned beside the Honorable Elisha Muhammad; Heaven’s chosen; God the Son and the word that stretched out two sides of one sky and and heavenly body within a golden fleece that is passed on to what was said and done under the eyes of God’s Heaven reaching out upon the will and honor of all good thing in God and in us liken to God’s kingdom that returns into onto one as it was yesterday; healing the gift of freedom through our constitutional yields of grass and fibers strained that is received for a blessing of God’s eternal fire(Anti Christ) that rains over the lands and rivers under the will of God’s waters taken for the next to return under God as the last five were awaiting their sheepfold to grain five daughters were introduced to the five shepherds passing by with God’s brick and cornerstone found within the Mount of Kilimanjaro taken from the last Kingdom of God’s river that returned with Zion.

The Return of the Garden

in the return becomes a great star that is given to all viewing eyes everywhere in the heavens above as below becomes the base of our pyramid and the hand of God that is given for every gate keeper in the gardens thereof. and now the the two can be seen from for a miracle's mile laid down to two feet in water and the first and last step being the miracle mile separated time that carried away unto the next Heaven that return for another time that was next one who stood in the gate's of heaven and by the rivers of Babylon that flow freely from the mountain of Zion that that returns the children of Ethiopia on each wing and from inside of the winds inhaled by our thoughts to return within our hearts that speak as a blade to be drawn by the quickening sword and spirit that is holy and true to speak in the tongues that allows God to speak in every land and nation under God hueing the Holy Ghost and image of our Mothers through the eye of the beholder that is lifted on the back of it's gate as we are the last and the first step in a long wind of breath singing the songs of our Lord and all the Apostles who have pulled a brick from the rivers of her heaven that is drawn to and from a time seen in the night sky to as her gentle sway closes and reopens the night upon the gates of God's children entering from a strange land that is yielding spoken tongues of Heaven to be heard everywhere and the water became the mediation of her true wisdom seen as a whirling pool that swallowed both Poseidon and Athena through the firmament for each others side under the column and shelve in marriage and lord said "tonight heaven will open it's gate and the western winds will draw in a third of heaven to be given for her couple and a time beside the rivers of the underworld touching each root of a serpents tree that now bares the fruit and a time returned from everywhere in captivity to that is now under the wing of God's flight unto a supper table prepared for this day's returned.

The Return of David's Seed

the north east gates of our Exodus is where we exit and enter a new land to the west and as we enter these lands the western winds that picked up dust of God's yesterday that pushed out two eggs that were nested in a pine tree, and that pushed sands straight to a bridge of a river's bank and brought forth a captive people out from bondage and brought seeds of it's prior garden to this new heaven that was prepared through by the power of God's captives released in the deserts of the Arabian and there they sat down with new God's and brothers. and the winds picked up the the Mountain of Zion and freed the last right of the Hebrew's Heaven placed into the bosom of Seth and into the Mother of Ethiopia who wept until here children return. and after 40 years in perdition may David Koresh return with the Heavens that set a daughter in the bridges of two lands that opens the wind of tomorrows walk under the boardwalk where and peace is given together under heavenly lights rendered to the same blessing that was given upon this return that "there will be a light post for every one's memory"~ David Koresh. and the Golden Rose of Texas is a hidden garden protected with a thorn to our side  given in captivity and the ones to release the thorn at our side when nature feels no longer threatened  and she multiply that tree, that spiritual tree of my ancestors in South America that double this blessing as Heaven will split in two as one generation for the other was hidden in the wilderness.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Phoenix of Fire

good hearts are gifted to know it's the last place of captivity is from Alamogordo NM.(the Old Phoenix) to the New Phoenix in Arizona that sets one free to the top of Heaven. for every heart there a tempest and as that heart races in circles it will drift upwards giving Heavenly praise for the word that follows upon a column. so let these words be the meditation of your heart in stormy weather that is lifted and carried up the winds of God spirit to it's mountain. and as the world changed the last heaven was given to rest as the holy spirit descended upon our shoulders and carried us to highest mountains that could be seen from every corner in heaven and from every mountain top. and as we were lifted a mighty horn was heard from this mountain that gathered many people from all around to this tree that gave birth to a Phoenix with a wing span of four winds over four corners of heaven that started hurling stones of ice and thunders of fire over the heavens and down upon those who speak the words God from the mouth of their heart in captivity.

Club Night

it was a Bachelorette party in a Phoenix Night Club where my roommate worked and me and my two roommates Edgar and Brandon went one night while my friend was worker me and my other roommate went dancing where there was three dance floors with three different styles of music and we sat down there was three beautiful women dancing and the three women were celebrating one of there friends coming of marriage that night and as they were dancing her two friends ask my friend and me to dance that night i felt out of place because me and my roommate switched shoes. and as we went to dance they told us "she is getting tomorrow" and the strangeness of this new city left me as our hearts joined in the right places in the times because one happiness was shared among friend and strangers and this night made me happy because we were treated not outsiders but like the same. i tell this story because that one night was given for for her friend who was was soon to get married. now that i look back upon that day it becomes blessing because i honor that couple who got married and every blessing of my heart goes out them.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Onefold in Christ

from the ground floor and level of God's hollowed trunk brought forth the first and second firmament from under the waters and the walk of June-July; hand and hand; east and west; that races around a center of silence that yokes the ground into the air and then back into a funnel or the eye of God given to forty days and forty nights of rain pour in the desert sky as to know when she is due the waters will break from Her Bosom(monsoon) in season while crossing Her flock and sheepfold through the desert.

The Number of the Beast

The Number of the Beast

the number of God is the number man marked to his forehead or his chest or right hand this number is 666 what is the number of the Beast but it is the man’s number the Beast is not a system but a living proof in balance within the multitude of waters that’s been cleansed and given back to the hand of man in Heaven to be the beast or the Antichrist who is a man seated at the right hand of God who knows what is given to man in spirit, and what remains in heaven to be His, but the beast will fall onto earth to know that His time will be short. the beast who is false prophet and the mark that is given to one who was chosen by God to be the Father of Heaven above by being bought and sold through slavery four hundred to be taken from the House of God and married through fellowship as God’s Children.

Bosom of Abraham (now known as the sheepfold in Christ)

Bosom of Abraham
JULY 30, 2017 ~ ATHENIC
blessed is my soul in the Bosom of Abraham. it's so high you cant get over it.  it's so low you cant get under it.  it's so wide you cant get around it.  so blessed is my soul in the Bosom of Abraham. when separation occurs at the crossroads; so shall we divide when the waters have reached the hollow grounds that are made wide and lo unto the Valley of Death that’s placed in between the high and low road leading unto the Bar of God.

Flint and Stone

and i seen the curse of Cain and Abel lifted as the ones who are at the side of those who understand the more blessing given is the more children you have in the garden. so that twins must enter into heaven without a draw or a saving hand from heaven to be this blessing that is taken for each others wife or sister. as a cornerstone left behind so shall heaven be built around it as a twin will rule from above and one from below. the word is given for us to understand the meaning of God's knowledge by asking Him or Her.

The Number and Son of Man

the rock of ages is the heart and the songs of praising God and of our deeds that become the saving hands of those who turn every stone over in search of knowledge that is given to the keeper of hidden truths and a saving hand that sings about the day of God's forgiveness. and to know my deeds in tribulation that were given to the world for peace as the back of my hand that bares God's mark and number 666. and to the inside of my thigh that also bares the mark of God through those who were cursed as the seeds of heaven protected their own elect and the time taken for the eternal spirit to dwell within the last breath of life that is spoken in the Spirit for God to seed the world unto judgment day. and the day of rest for all who live in sin will enter into heaven by praising God the redeemer of our trials and tribulations and our witness when we stand at the bar of God to be judged.

Fire Burns Forever In Time

who would know God and believe in the Heavens above and then severe it from God. or who would know all the good fruits in the garden that is given everyday saved closely to My own in the garden that gave no fruit for eternity to burn that very bridge that connects you and God's Heaven by a very thin breath that whispers back into Heaven for it to open and return when a time settles to the right hand of God's heart that is burning within the spirit and flame that is given before the rain to wash out the garden and bridge that is close to My own restoring what was and what will be forever in a time taken through the fires of God's garden to be renewed by the voice of God.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Babylon and Sirius

Babylon and Sirius
Babylon and Sirius (MapIII)
the burning waters of Sheol the waters of the underworld, the seas of water and fire hovering over the face of the deep, and an image clothed to the sun seen over the waters of her firmament streaming through every root and canal hidden underneath the gardens of Sirius the western gate to be the only star seen during alignment in the heavenly body, and the only light seen above his firmament gathering three kingdoms to the west with a great blasting horn heard under a western sky that gathered the three armies under the star of Sirius for a great wedding to bring forth stars and the coming of light to be our sun. behold the great waters of marriage given by two pearls for two rings on the hand of the Mother who is the Great Dragon and Daughter who is Virgo and first constellation seen in heaven and the sun brought great light on the third day of rains and cloud cover holding the firmament to a great mist that covered the darkness and drizzles below as our sun waits for his bride (the moon).

Big Bang
the world held their breath for an understanding of the first in its creation bringing true light and understanding to witness the Big Boom heard in succession breaking open the firmament with three loud concussions lying under the atmosphere inhaled by dusk of dawn. breaking fourth the corners and light of all understanding as the Father of Heaven stretches a chariot of fire across the upper firmament awaiting the moon.

The Mist
and i saw how the light became five suns in the south-east that was set above the firmament where the clouds where stretched out across the whole sky and the sun reflected eternity upon this great gathering that covered the surface of earth and the goodness of God’s Spirit unto the earth and its inhabitants that dwell in a mist that grew trees of incredible size.

Two Escorts One Wedding
the moon she comes and with an escort of two saints and she enters through the rings of Saturn lifted across the threshold and firmament and sets again beside the Glory of Heaven.

Three Desert Cities (United States)

The Desert Cities
Las Cruces
"a fifth perished in the city of crosses by the father and his twin daughters who also fell below sacrificial age carried their own cross up the hill of shame and down into the Mesilla Valley where the three were taken to the great cavern The Hall of the White Giant that was prepared for their birthright in heaven to be given what to eat and fear, to speak and hear as One does in the after-world while being judged by The Priests while awakening a great sign appeared in heaven that light the shadows through western winds of jasper and molten lava made to the House of David under the spear of destiny for a thousand years beside the Elect House of God's chosen being cleansed for two hundred years of truth and wisdom beside the Mother who is the Grandmother and Lilly of the Desert who gathers spirit of dust and devil twisting with the sands of time that appear like hovering angels over the stones crushed beneath Her feet and heel to be also a number of Her seed collected between the breadth of the valleys of God flowing with living waters that divide two countries and one state(New Mexico) in half by the Sword of Wisdom searched and found by the tree of life our tree of truth and authority that was held by the parent state(Texas)."

Alamogordo “Fat Cottonwood”
"Alamogordo is now the garden center of the Land of Enchantment and spiritual under rooting in heaven to be trusted unto One firmly rooted under the cottonwood tree and branch of light forming four corners of heaven and having the root of a living KaChina to be the Grandfather's Tree and Truth as it was before. for all to see the Mountains of God move North of Heaven through Him who is resting on top of Indian Wells to be (His) mountain and watery cemetery flowing upwards into heaven between the Lady of the Mountain and Old Baldy. now being the gardens center in heaven seated by a demon serpent that swallowed earth and it's deepest secrets but she says "for i am one and without child." the lord is now beside Her and says to her "lay your eggs and leave in peace for your day will be accounted for." and God went her own way that passes near the tree of knowledge that fights within her knowing she bares no child. but the lord asked for the the garden's keeper "where is the the woman that keeps to herself." for the lord knew but asked me where she was. "she comes and goes when she pleases Lord" and the Lord pulled a root from the tree that withered and made an image and enemy and then told me "if you would be given freedom you must be captured and then released" instantly i searched here and then there and everywhere searched again it was never the same. but i continued to search and during my searching i forgot about My Mother(Medusa). so when i came back it was from under the earth and i heard my mother call out to me "where have you been" i said to them i have seen the light from the Four Corners of heaven that follows the root of KaChina to be my Grandfather's Tree of Truth as it was before. for all who see the Mountains of God north of heaven was moved by the presence Him who made the world as the world begin in sight of the others coming. to be His watery cemetery flowing upwards in spirit between the Lady of the Mountain and the White Mountains."

New Waco Texas
when the thirst is given for the deserts return the heaven will rain extreme and form from three churches unto the Mother Mary and His time receding for all life to open for the lord is the working hearts under trust as light and every rain is channeled to the battery’s storage and every well is opened freely to the residents of New Waco Texas. and the day was given to a new chance at religion under the recapture and grounds that flow willingly within the oils of Gods essence of life that receives your heart before your thirst is quenched unto the life of the three returned. and from the back door did all the heavenly creatures gather in the garden that heard and received the first of fruits returning as light from downtown district reached unto my porch and stored even the light of the moon that gave its blessing to the heavenly suburb. the yellow rose of Texas is the hidden hardships that overcomes diversity and comes together when a garden grows in a desert as an oasis. a suburb of Heaven and a spring of water along the dusty roads we strayed from long ago that made us stumble and fall, but now our dues are paid in full to know that diamond in the desert is bright as gold unto the seeds of David. made fire resistant from molten lava and golden lamps that stand unto Heaven lighting the way for the world and unto to Mt. Carmel the Holy Mount of God.

The Serpent and Mother of Religion

The Serpent and Mother of Religion
silent is the waters running hourly and under the roots of time taken through fires and the Rights of Baptism held under the two lakes that boil down the years of God’s return to be cleansed and shared from one foot to the other under a miracle mile separated by a great serpent treading north unto the lakes of fire where the serpent dwells within a watery grave under a pyramid and unto the south where Egypt and the Red Sea open the Gates of Heaven forever and ever. Amen

Abraham’s Return

Abraham’s Return
the world opened with the breath of a mist from the last calling returned as to be the giants of old and our children returning to America who are beside my Son and Father’s blessing within this circle of wisdom and the covenant's warm fire at night under a log cabin to which this nation brought forth a Father who abolished slavery and upheld the top and bottom vine of His return with our patriarch Abraham who yields at the top while Lincoln returns home.

Renewed Faith

Renewed Faith
many have their faith remade to an image before an idol to know trust as well as your faith will be given to God’s and nature as the seeds upon the field grow into bushes so will your faith grow as a canopy that covers the garden unto life so that your sins are kept between you and God that fill the garden to let you know that you’re the first and only apple of God’s eye and He will not have you suffer the will of a sinner who believes that they were the only idol in God’s garden. so stay beside God alone.

Baptism by Fire

baptism by fire is the healing of flesh under the canopy of God’s grace that lights your heart on fire as it is thrown into the grace of God’s Kingdom by the hand and Potters Wheel made with clay and water that’s casted to the body and Spirit of God’s vessel that is made unto health and healing through faith. always be humble as the Spirit is poured equally into every heart measured. faith will grow during meditation and communion in Spirit. even with little faith hills are made to rise unto nations of people that are lifted in spirit. even with little faith will a mountain rise into Heaven accordingly. faith is an ear open and an eye closed to know truth and the living waters of God’s ferment.

Never Give Doubt (Character Trait)

never give doubt to another because it is doubt that angers the truth. and never give knowledge to another that doubts the truth. for one will walk in the Spirit of God and never understand doubt. for everything God has said God will protect so that what was heard will be given to the ones who listen with an ear of pleasure to the word of God.

Knowledge is Given by God

it is great wealth to know knowledge and many have been given knowledge even the great minds of the past where given knowledge. even the great minds of today receive great knowledge. but if the least would gain knowledge some would be offended or somewhat scared that someone that has knowledge may change the world. therefore if knowledge is given by God never sell it nor deceive another by it's nature through the hands of men who don't believe that God knows all things and things that must come to an end. for all who gain the knowledge of God's word changes the heavenly balance to nature as the spirit of knowledge increases for a time given under the root of Heavenly beings that speak through us and to everyone that is given knowledge and the signs of God's right to harvest in it's garden.

The Four and Twenty Four

the four and twenty four beast of Heaven return as the first enters and brings forth another six in God's name. and as the six living beings heard the word of God they opened a third of heaven and returned the last to be first as the four pyramids of Giza stood side by side as the two greater were twins and the last is the first that enters into tribulation given to be the second coming and tribulation of the two older brothers that were twins became as black as the first entered to give it's blessing in return as the two elders were cursed. and one was given the blessing from the mother to the youngest child. therefore i will bring forth the two tomorrow and bring back the child as to bless them who blessed the child. for the night is given before the morning that all must rise early and hear the cock crow at thrice. and as the two heard the crowing of the rooster the night turned into day and day into the night that was given for the twins to rule beside the mother and the one to be given to the light of day and a scepter of peace for the older brothers that have given you there blessing. and if a fourth of heaven should be divided then let it be divided by the world and it's corner stone that is built for the last heaven to remain and bring forth the two other cornerstones that await for the chasing of the wind that can be held four years.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Underworld and The Waters of God's Heaven

and after the gathering was over the two were picked from the chosen few that had the right and will to honor God's Heaven. so before the chosen was given man and woman had to separate and return without knowing that they would become the voice and hand of God's child. so upon the rocks was sitting the man child and he was looking up into the Heavens as it just torn apart. and from the heavens we sent an angel (as a duck) to the twin heaven that awaited a wolf and duck that spoke openly to the sun saying that no darkness shall appear as you shine as that was a hidden gate from under gave way unto the return of God's heaven that is above as is it below the firmament that levels the seas of God's water to Man and Woman's return. and then i seen two ravens come out from darkness of Noah's flood and changed in the presence of the Lord and its light and turned into two white ducks as the ground was given to the hills of God and the hills were given back to mountains and as the man and woman exited from their cave and lived a long time on earth.

The Heavens Open Under The Dragon's Wing

when an eagle rises into the heavens it feels the change of warm air under it's wings as it lifts without any measure to its grace and majesty that is under a heavenly view of the last corner in heaven taken under the eye that is yielding the tops of each mountain for tomorrows leap of faith from its own garden separated and fruitful.

The Forbidden Garden

when heaven opens up and then shuts like a falling star in the heaven then up from the the top of the garden will one fall from the mountain and then rise out of the waters and sing the songs of God the inherits of the garden from around and the gardens to each others gate. that hurls an egg over a wall and into a mouth of a red dragon that catches it and then helps it crawl from the ground unto the mountain top.

The Gardens Growing

the thought of Heaven is the gardens burning within the cleansing and the new gardens to grow side by side and one for each other that holds on to the true fruit of it's garden given to everybody who enters with passion for it and knowledge.

The Fiery Branch

God is the hand of man and the sculptor of God's New Heaven and the potter wheeling the vessels into the burning under heaven. and the fires of Her name burned upon our chest and upon the garden twice. once that were flowing from under emotions and another that were heaped and hurled upon the head as the oven was prepared the world got small because they only needed each other and then expanded for their privacy.

The Birds and The Ants are Wise

it was the year of 1994 and there were two types of ants(medium) walking side by side one went downwards the other upwards and the ones going up were being eaten by birds native to below or southern Arizona. these ants also walked in a line underneath a barbecue pit one late evening that had a cracked rusty bottom and they would walked underneath long ways as coal was being heaped upon their heads. i write because birds and ants have given me great signs from heaven.

The Wrong Person Died on Our Cross

the Holy Spirit is the favor in our heart and the help given to God and if you would deny it. you will surely regret it. and your fall will not be next to another's reach as not to bring someone else down with you. but if you get up, do it on your own and you will build strength and will start to endure your own cross as so that God will never have to suffer anymore.

The Voice and KaChina

the raven carried a fiery branch from a near by island off the coast of California and brought it here to the north corner of the four corners region today. and searched for another man to lead this creation. and as all the animals gathered. the crow said take the man inside the cave and bring forth a plan. and they dug an eastern opening to a cave and danced to the gathering of nations that hear the word of God and then receive a bounty within it's own heaven that is carried on to its back and replenished when hearing the heavenly beings inside their new bodies beating from the skin and drum heard from each corner in heaven that are masked by the voice of God.

Our Ancestors Heaven

our Ancestors. are they not our family within heavenly bodies? are they not lit in the darkness and tell scriptures in pictures that link to the gardens growing? is an orb not a perfect reflection of it's own light. even as we grow we tend to humble ourselves but the moment disturbing we fall unexpected and bend to the ground and wept as morning comes to tell the script and a full projection of God's being laid to the ground and image thereof hidden. for our ancestor were many and many breeds of humanoid that wait upon a day for change and goodwill to return as it was in the days of greatness; for tomorrow to be the same in Heaven.

The Spirit of God

there will be a few who say God is not a woman. but i say God is who she is and man; the same. for there is only one peace in heaven and that is the Holy Spirit given to the prophet of God who will bring forth the garden and the heavenly beings of tomorrow that reach unto unto every garden that we prepared for and receive. "because of one bad person another never has to pay." and as it were today we live inside the Spirit of God; who is our Mother and Father in Heaven. Amen

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Crop Circle

there is always a better day than today and it's a pact that she will be there for me. when i'm alone she listens. she is the higher mountain and the waters that keep level with Her rain and presence; for she is in Me and the Spirit that keeps Me up top of the mountain that is yielding the strength of Her hair lock that holds on to the promise of tomorrow's Heaven that opens within both of us to return in one flesh and to be one love and hope for each other given by the grace of God's house that is now placed forever in the upper firmament and to God's kingdom in Heaven.

A Time for Rest and A Time for Peace

there is a loft and a resting place above the upper stack that opens the right for the last to come, and as they do heaven becomes black as the stars fall again upon the rivers that hold the waters of everlasting peace in the high places that will nest each other under a roof of God's protection that shelters all creatures good and evil; to be cleansed in the waters of God's infernal flowing deeply within my own heart that returns the blessing of tomorrow.

The Eye of the Beholder

when the waters and rain fall from Heaven the world will rejoice as the harvest brings forth two of every thing that is caught up with the word and the Heaven that breaks forth a seal tied down and melted. the blessing is not of one but two who gather under the new heavens of the bride and groom within their own reach of the last and first heavens that recoiled inside and out of a third that gathers from the center of our garden up under the top of every light reflected inward and out towards from the last reversal within the winds of God's breath inhaled through one nostril that opens out flares within a recapturing wind that is whips across every passing minute to evaporate all living matter inside a fifth element burning with smokeless fires; the tree of life with thorns passed under two closing gates and a hand that brings back a fourth and fifth element opening both sides of the doom raining purple thermosing and the conducting power of our nation given to reversal light(bolt) capture three times within three bolts crossing the needle and heart of it's stitching tightly three ways for light to burn under a diamond's heat that cuts between the third and forth element of the same shelve that cuts two heavens in half and three diamonds given to a promise and great marriage.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Spirit that Weighs You Down

it was right after my wedding; and right after we got back from Las Vegas, NV. my wife and i were arguing all the back. so when got back i fell asleep in our bed. it must of been moments later when i was held down by a spirit. i tried like hell to get up. and as i kept trying He called me an "Asshole!" i got a little worried and i ask "Jesus help me." but there was no reply. and then i asked again "God help me." and the Spirit got off of me. Thank God.

The Lord's Path of Righteousness

when heaven opens who can stop the horns of God's creation? or who can set the sun or the moon in it's right path so that that all who has already given destruction to their world can see us rebuild what they have destroyed and then given to it's children out of great fear of God's return. but God let's everybody know that a sin is a sin; small or great. but you have taken most things that will never belong to you. so that your cursed until you have watched or seen the New Heaven grow right under our feet as a footstool and a ground to rest on. a time ago i sent a servant as the Lord to break your vessel and all the grounds around it. so that you would know that I Am the Lord and the shepherd of our Galaxy.

There is Only One Good

an evil spirit is not your friend if they are mad at you. they are not Demons, Devils, or Satan. they are people who fear that God is going to change their world. the truth is; if freewill is taken from someone would they not be angry? but God gives freewill to all who believe and would never want us to change because He or She already knows our heart and where we belong. but you hide in the body of Christ saying 'I Am Satan, a Demon or the Devil', but you are only a servant of yourself who has given their blessing away because of all the doubt and wrong fellowship you have gathered. you cant serve God and yourself. therefore you will be casted out by My name ("God") and when you knock no one will answer.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

One Month and One Half of God's Beast

under the celestial calendar we(western) are two months and two weeks behind under the balance of the Chinese Zodiac. for example: my wife was born Dec 29th 1976. and now under the traditional Chinese zodiac; she is now a serpent(snake) on the branch of fire. the fifth(2in1) element of God's heaven.

Mediate God's Word

through two without trust for one another, there will always be one neutral state and this foundation holds on to two hemispheres of the brain where the balance and weighting of tomorrow's outcome triumphs over the lesser given. for the one in between space and time there is one peace to keep for the two in balance. learn this and bring forth your help tomorrow. when one will miss the other it becomes a part of a duet(duty) shared between a third party to balance them both with a measure of opportunity that holds on to the peace of a greater state than our own.

Monday, April 2, 2018

A Time for the Times Given to a Halve of Time

the crossing of Heaven is a mere instance and those who understand the galactic wind and breath of God's upper  lower heaven in file under a third and helping hand under a bigger picture of Heaven's garden that awaits our reunion with Nibiru's  crossing that cuts across space and time given to three more bigger planetary systems as our ground work; land level across space and a time returned to the ground work that was laid from the breadth of God's land under our Milky Way's crossing with Nibiru's  crossing inside a path leveled by the lands, ports and hubs right under our forty heavens of God's crossing or the choosing of Beetlejuice and it's gardens that branches onto us and the Tree of Heaven under a heavenly(canopy) and roof of protection given to forty years of peace through every creation of the humankind that was set to Heaven's above.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Delta Δ Garden δ Center

a time will go by without silence to awaken the Heavenly body; our essence; and the Spirit of God resurrected through understanding and the first fruits of wisdom that is under the canopy of God's hidden garden that brings the dancing or the act of rain lifted to the naked winds that whip(hail stones) through and about the center of Earth and North East of God's Holy Mountain that breaths life into God's(thunder bird) to and fro as a frail or skirt in a spiraling circle(dough-si-dough); that is given to and back to the dance of hunger(dance of bread) and life that is blowing through the air as fine cotton wool; and the cleansing of God's body; via a fifth element; and hidden manna of God's tree of knowledge taken deep from the roots of heaven's garden center though a fourth element that becomes the marriage of God's hour at hand given to and from the City of Mexico over the first and second Heavens returning from three gardens centered in lake and from the branch the serpent's flesh eaten by the image and winged beast(Eagle) that sets above the Golden City of God (the Light)over the waters of Mexico that are seen from above a Heavenly night of rest.

Two Pearls Hidden Under Heaven

I Am Who I Am; so shall the living spirit be through Me; as the womb and sacrifice of God's heavenly body incarnated through Me. and through whom; I Am the living bread and Messiah; God and Holy Spirit through the will of Allah. who is the messenger and father of Heaven through one root and tree; the incarnation of God's heavenly spirit and body; the Essence of Heaven seeded through tree of truth; that is flowing freely from the waters under clear blue skies of God's creation; the Bosom of Heaven; the fountains of youth flowing fro and to the flesh and corner stone(three ribs) of God's Church(the Light of Day) under the (the Darkness of Night) that sets beside itself under many names; such as Elohim, Allah or God of the Prophets Jesus and Muhammad; the first and last; the morning and evening star(two pearls); that was held by only two divorces out of the three permitted. but now under one marriage in God; yielding three landlords; the Messiah, Mahdi and Buddha; the only begotten son of Heaven on Earth. Amen.